Does Prosaide need thinned?

Belfast Neil

Well-Known Member
Simple question guys, been looking about the web for Prosaide and found a few places doing it though always in small bottles. Does it need thinned down to use for mask painting or is there somewhere that sells large containers for a decent price. UK only.

No problemo guys :mad:

Oh by the way , prosaide can be thinned as far as i know, as PAX paint is basically prosaide/acrylic/water ( i think hehe )

So i imagine you can thin it alittle to go through your airbrush if needed.
I thin it with isopropyl alchohol, not to much, i wouldn't airbrush it through an internal mix brush, liable to gunk it up, an external mix would be better, but be ready to clean it out after every colour, don't forget, pros-aide stays sticky even when dry, and attracts everything, lint, flies, you, lol, once your finished seal it well
I run my prosaide through a internal mix airbrush, one of the cheapo £19 ones off ebay, i just rinse it out with warm water after each use, and clean it properly after ive done a mask, this airbrush is now 3yrs old and all the same components :mad:
i use a really cheap external badger for mine. and as lee says, warm water helps, cold does nothing to the stuff. oh, don;t wear baggy clothes anywhere near anything with prosaide on
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