Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster - New build with electronics - Page 3


Master Member
So, I've spent a rather leisureley time over the last few months building a few new Who props. Then a few frenzied weeks trying to finish them before Time War 2010 a few weeks ago :wacko

For those of you who saw my table at Rotherham, the Alpha-Meson blaster and squareness guns have now been repainted and in this case redetailed since the con.

Anyway, this is River's blaster from The Pandorica Opens/Big Bang. The grip and trigger guard are heavily modified from a Nerf gun, the rest is scratch built.

Will post squareness gun pics soon :)








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Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

Very cool, can't wait to see the squareness gun.
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

The grip and trigger guard on the screen used gun seems to have more in common with the Nerf Maverick than the Nerf gun pictured.

Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

Strictly speaking, neither are right. The Maverick trigger-well is definiteley closer, but the grip meets the trigger guard too far forward, and the butt-plate is wrong.

I chose to go wih the nite-finder to mod, mainly because it has the right 'flashlight' section beneath the main body.
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

The grip and trigger guard on the screen used gun seems to have more in common with the Nerf Maverick than the Nerf gun pictured.

Strictly speaking, neither are right. The Maverick trigger-well is definiteley closer, but the grip meets the trigger guard too far forward, and the butt-plate is wrong.

I chose to go wih the nite-finder to mod, mainly because it has the right 'flashlight' section beneath the main body.
Hmmm... this begs the question... what did the show's prop maker(s) use for the real prop? :confused
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

This one seems to match and there is that screw hole on it as well as a couple others the Prop Dept seems to have filled in.

Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

Gosh darnit, that's the fella!

What is it? Looks very Seburo-ish.
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

Nerf gun.
Scout IX-3

Originally came in a 3 gun set then later with the electric target.
I bought one off someone on the forum about a year ago and am just now filling the holes and seams for a repaint.

I believe there is a knock off out there with the Nerf removed.
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

Nice detective work!

It looks like somebody filled the screw holes & repainted the one you posted.

-Mike J.
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

It's one someone posted a few years ago in a customized toy gun thread.
I think the more recent thread has pix of the knock off version.
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

Yeah. I wanted that one but cant find them here except for the 3mm "bigger in all dimensions" brute. Then again, for the price its asking, I am not complaining.:lol
Re: Doctor Who - River's Alpha Meson Blaster

I desperately need this gun--can I buy one from you, and how would I go about doing it? I would also need the dimensions of the gun, as I'm having a holster made soon. Oh please please please?