Doctor Who motivational poster


Master Member
Thought this one should get it's own thread!


Roight, is Donna g'win to be involved with this docta in any way, or is she tossed off (take the pun as you like...) like so much rubbish?

'Ere, on that he reminds me of Cary Elwes 'e does...

My Cockney sucks...

Accent, ACCENT!!!
It will be nice to see the end of the Rose whining, but I'm not sure I'm looking forward to this new Doctor. io9 recently posted a quote from Piers Wenger, an executive producer:

One of the qualities in Steven's writing, and one of Steven's natural tendencies as a writer, is to write these strange, dark, glittering fairy tales. We wanted to give the look of the series a slightly more storybook, fairy-tale feel - within reason... It wasn't about suddenly becoming Tim Burton, but it was finding a pinch of that, a pinch of Twilight, a pinch of Harry Potter - but it's still absolutely, slap-bang, mainstream Doctor Who.

Whiiiiiiiiiiine. No, not the Rose thing. Can't we all just have a wait and see attitude about this? It's only a month away. Yeesh.
What's that you say? You want Doctor Who Demotivational Posters?

I got this! ;)

Ones created by Yours Truly are labeled as such. Everything else, I found on the web... mostly in a Demotivational Posters thread on a DW forum I go to. :)


Wow.. necro post. But it now needs to be said:

Told you so.

Ah, but the show ended up sucking for a completely different reason than the one people expected. Everybody was complaining about Twilight this and Frankenstein that. Nobody expected Steven Moffat to throw a curveball and sink his pen into the toilet.

Actually, technically it was 10 out of 10 Doctor's thought it was too loud. He didn't like it, either.