Do it yourself face casting?

Wes R

Legendary Member
I want to do some scars for my halo character but i have nobody i trust enough to help me with a full cast of my face. Is there a way i could do it myself just to cover the areas of my face the scars would be that way i can sculpt over that?
Is it just the full face - not a full head?
If so, in theory you could do it yourself, but it would be very tricky (and potentially dangerous) so I wouldn't recommend it. Especially when applying plaster bandages - you wouldn't be able to see if you've covered everywhere, and the movement of you hunting around blind for the next strip may even cause the underlying alginate (assuming you're using alginate and not "body double") to slip giving you a bad cast.

I'd say get an extra pair of hands mate. It's not that hard so they don't need to be an expert so hopefully you have at least one friend you trust enough not to leave you there ;-) lol

Oh, and if you do use alginate, if it's your first ever go I'd use "slow set" alginate. It will just take some of the pressure off as it will give you a couple of extra minutes extra working time ;-)
Actually I was hoping only to put the bandages on the parts of my face the scars would cover not even the full face. The scars run diagonally from the left temple to the right jaw/throat so i figured i could find a way to make molds of just those areas one at a time and then put them together on a foam head base and sculpt from there. I don't even trust my parents to help me with this much they're so bad at helping with this kinda thing.
sure if its just the front of your face you can do it yourself. I have done it a few times. Put a little vasoline on the edge of your hairline and eyebrows, and some skin cream on your face or more vasoline then you can cut small stripes of plaster bandages and leave your eyes open until everything else is done. Then you can do your eyes if you need. Good medical bandages with set pretty fast and the shell will pop off.

Then grease the mold and pour in the plaster to make a cast.
That sounds like a plan. I have plenty of plaster that's for sure. I'd love a full head cast but like I said nobody here would be willing to try it since its potentially dangerous.
Plaster tape directly on your face?!? Not sure I'd do that or not. I've made full and partial head casts and I always use alginate first, then make a mother mold with plaster bandages on top of the alginate. Not only do you get an exact reproduction of your face, it is much safer than plaster directly on the skin.
plaster tape is harmless to the skin....Unless you are talking about dipping fabric into plaster of paris and making your own..
The medical plaster tape dont heat up when it dries but plaster of paris do and it can burn your skin.
I may look into one of those do it youself face lifecasting kits on amazon as it has everything and are pretty cheap. Heck maybe i can talk my friend and gf into helping me when i go see them.
Plaster tape directly on your face?!? Not sure I'd do that or not. I've made full and partial head casts and I always use alginate first, then make a mother mold with plaster bandages on top of the alginate. Not only do you get an exact reproduction of your face, it is much safer than plaster directly on the skin.

The plaster bandage method is not dangerous. And he is trying to do this by himself so doing alginate then plaster mother mold is out of the question unless you have help. Also for what he is doing He doesn't need the detail of alginate, the bandages will be fine.
sure if its just the front of your face you can do it yourself. I have done it a few times. Put a little vasoline on the edge of your hairline and eyebrows, and some skin cream on your face or more vasoline then you can cut small stripes of plaster bandages and leave your eyes open until everything else is done. Then you can do your eyes if you need. Good medical bandages with set pretty fast and the shell will pop off.

Then grease the mold and pour in the plaster to make a cast.

Where can i buy medical bandage?
cool. What doesn't smooth on make? lol. I wish they were closer to my part of PA so i could see if i could pick up orders and save shipping. I already need a ton of rtv from them.