Disney Star Wars Parks and/or Website Products

Have ALL the 3PO heads sold out?
Someone posted today that they are still available.

Gree helmet is awesome!!!!!!!!!

Sound is great, and I am not even a sound effects guy, but it sounds like it would.

The back of the helmet is spring loaded so it's easier for mega melon guys like me to get it on.

Well done Hasbro.
Just came back from a quick trip through Magic Kingdom to take in the holiday decorations, attractions.

At Hollywood Studios:
C-3PO heads still readily available.
Gungi lightsaber, Ren lightsaber, Ren helmet, and LE series 1 holocron/crystal box set in stock.

Most noteworthy, 50% off..
T-16 sky hopper, now $20
Batuu paint scheme x-wing helmet $40

Also at Epcot, most the replica Marvel and GotG items were either 40% or 50% off.
Are the C-3P0 heads still a Benjamin? That was sadly me trying to sound cool.

They are still nearly $200 on Ebay.

Newly added to the website, Ki Adi Mundi lightsaber.
