Diablo 3 releases a week from today. Any RPFers wanna link up on Battle.net?

I can't believe I got this not knowing it was an "Always Online" game. I had issues logging in.... Ok, keep it cool man. I'm now in the game. I'm having a good time. Hey! It's Jennifer Hale voicing a dumb character!

Old Guy: "These are important texts that tells of the end of the world!"
Jennifer Hale: "They're not important!"

Stupid writing in the opening cinematic. Wonderful. Than Single Player started lagging. Again, single Player started lagging. I was going to a cemetery to find a crown, and I cleared the entire area. When I put on a pear of leather pants, the game disconnected me. When I logged back on, everything I did before the cemetery area was gone. It's fun because there is no way to save the game. Than this happened....

"Server Restart"

Why? I'm on single player. I don't need your freaking server. I've got the game. The Collector's Edition even! $90+ bucks! Let me play the game!


I'm not the type of person who uses profanity when I'm around anybody under any circumstances, so I'll let JonTron do that for me.
Wow I need to watch Topis I post on more carefully. Pulse let me ask you a question or 2 for a better opinion on the game.
1) Did you like RE5 story and play style(again a 3rd person shooter) if so what would you rate it as from a 1-10?
2)Did you play RE5 on PC and if so what did you think of the controls for that?
3)As far as the story for Operation Raccon city goes did you find it at all interesting compared to RE5?
4)The bugs you are referring to, are they huge bugs, that affect game play or anything?

Either way thanks your opinion on this has made me re think about buying it, and gonna spend 5 bucks and rent it at Blockbuster and try it out on my PS3

I loved RE5, the only thing I hated was Sheva's AI, (she'd run around like an idiot hogging all the first aid spray, and then get herself killed). Loved the story, graphics, sound, gameplay, I thought it was all top notch. I'd give it an 8/10.

I originally played it on ps3, and then grabbed a copy when it was released on PC. I loved the PC version too, it was a solid port, I felt the controls were tight and responsive, no issues.

Operation RC just doesn't feel like a Resident Evil game AT ALL. Seriously. I have a feeling that once you start playing it yourself, you'll immediately understand what I mean. As for the bugs, they're pretty frustrating. Like getting stuck in invisible walls during boss fights.

AS FOR DIABLO, yeah, it's been a pretty agrivating experience since the launch. I live on the east coast, and didn't realize till after I picked the game up at midnight that I'd have to wait till 3am before the servers actually went live. Even then, I couldn't get in. So instead I played Max Payne 3 till 4am (which is AWESOME, btw), and then crashed out. After I woke up, I tried D3 again, and was able to start a character. Played for a solid 6 hours with a few friends, with no problems at all. No stuttering, lag, or anything. Although I did notice that the sound got a bit garbled during the bigger boss fights. We made it to Act 2, and so far I've loved the story, and the writing. Sure, it's a bit cheesy, but it's exactly what I was expecting/wanted. It's especially epic if you've played through D1 and D2 and know the story. After hitting Act 2, I decided to log off, did some laundry, took a shower, and tried to log back in. Servers were down again.

So yeah, hopefully B will get this server business sorted out, because this sucks. I've heard it's not entirely Blizzards fault though. Any by that I mean there are apparently a couple of asshats who have been hitting the US servers with spambots, sending hundreds of thousands of bogus requests, causing the problems.
Well, seems like Blizzard might be getting their server problems under control. I was able to play yesterday with a couple of friends for a good while with no issues, except for all of 10 minutes, when the servers were rebooted.
More stuff to buy now. I have a 'fairly' new computer and the graphics card isn't strong enough to run with all the sliders up. :( I gotta have the full effect!!
My power adaptor shipped from amazon last night so in pretty pumped. Now I just need to find one of those laptop cooling platforms and I'll be ready to kick some diablo ass.
I just hit level 30 with my Demon Hunter last night, and so far it's been a blast. I've logged about 13 hours so far, and I'm about a third of the way through Act III. (I've been exploring every area of the maps.) So much fun, and the boss fights are INSANE.
Just got D3 thanks to my super cool brother, he has always supported my gaming habit! Anyway my Battle tag is PvtHudson#1643 if anyone wants to add me!
Just got D3 thanks to my super cool brother, he has always supported my gaming habit! Anyway my Battle tag is PvtHudson#1643 if anyone wants to add me!

*Cue the Aliens references*

What do you mean, "*They* cut the power"? How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!
*Cue the Aliens references*

What do you mean, "*They* cut the power"? How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!

I am glad you picked up on that one pulse. A lot of gamers keep thinking I am current military personal, which I was not lucky enough to be thanks to a bad leg. However I still tried and was passed through, till 3 days before basic training. The Medical Army review board I guess took a 2nd look at my medical history and decided to deny my previous medical waiver :cry. Oh well looking back at least I gave it 100% effort to join!
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