
Re: Iron Man WIP

best pep work i have seen on iron man so far. you have excellent finishing skills.

are these the pep files on the 405th?
Re: Iron Man WIP

best pep work i have seen on iron man so far. you have excellent finishing skills.

I agree with you on this one. One of the best pep translations from paper to hard medium I've seen. Nice job, Finhead.

Re: Iron Man WIP

this is the first costume you've ever made? What the heck do you do for a living?! cause you obviously have some skills, or a hidden talent. Great job!
Re: Iron Man WIP

Very very nice! I agree on Best Pep build also. Last 2 pics of the helmet look like a finished resin pull they are so clean. Keep up the great work.

Paul D.
Re: Iron Man WIP

Thanks guys for the nice comments, means quit a lot coming from such talented people. I just like to build stuff if I'm able.

Yeah these are the files off the 405th, the helmet is done by Dungbettle and the chest by Dancin_fool. I only have the torso files to work with though the rest of the suit is not finished and I suck badly at pc software so scaling other stuff to work with the upper stuff is a no go. Might end up with half a suit. :unsure

These pieces are still in the rough out stages, the helmet a little finer than the chest. The helmet is only down to 180grit and needs quit a bit of work to the rear/ear section. I reworked the top vent and faceplate twice already cause I wasn't happy with it, set me back a few hours for sure.
This is the first costume/suit I've made, played around with some Batman stuff out of foam and a Batgirl sculpt a few months ago but unless I invest a bunch of cash in the casting supplies I can't finish anything. So that went on the shelf, this is way more cost efficent. :)

I do build other things I'm an autobody mech by trade so this is pretty easy to do, I've been doing it my whole life really. I also machine and airbrush a bit, here's some links some of my other work if you guys want to have a look see. :)
Oh and all my work on this and my machining is all done manual, I don't have a cnc. Just wanted to add that, seem to be the first thing people ask me for some reason. Gloves/ tooling/ Art/
Re: Iron Man WIP

That is so great! You are skilled beyond what you even understand. Keep at it and keep us updated. :thumbsup
Re: Iron Man WIP

Thanks for the props guys, like I said means allot coming form the guys that set the standards so to speak. I'll try and get something done soon, I'll update when I do.:cool

well, now that I know what you're capable of, that Iron Man is crap! :lol

Thanks makes me feel good about it. :lol Yeah it's still rough, it'll only get better I promise.
Re: Iron Man WIP

Wow Finhead this is amazing work I can't wait to see the paint job you give this project... With prep work this good you could paint it with a brush and it would still look amazing (okay,maybe not but you know what I'm saying...).

Looking forward to watching this build progress.

Re: Iron Man WIP

Thanks again guys, good to know it's at least looking like Iron man. :)
Had a chance to work on it again last night and today. Reworked some of the chest and the helmet once again, keep finding things I don't like about it and stuff I haven't done yet. And glassed the back and did the bodywork and primer. Still in the rough for sure but it's at least making me want to do more. :) Let me know what ya think. Oh and pics would have been better but the wife was messing with the camera and I couldn't get it back to right, no idea. :confused






