Dead Space 3, Isaac Clarke, Witness Suit WIP

my respect sir, you has accomplished, it looks great, what of the gun? : Cool

mis respeto señor, usted lo a logrado, se ve genial, que hay del arma?
evangelizer2.JPGevangelizer3.JPGevangelizer4.JPGholoprojector1.JPGlayout1.JPGvisor3 (2).JPGvisor1.JPGvisor2.JPGvisor3.JPG

Home Stretch!!! I can see the necromorph at the end of the tunnel!

Most of the parts are all built. I'm still doing touch-up sewing (I think that's you'd call it) and I still have all the hieroglyphics (Unitologist Alphabet) to paint all over the suit. They are arranged in these vertical cartouches and all scribbly, since extensive exposure to the Marker does that. I think building another Dead Space suit is making me a little crazy (step one...crawl inside! ha ha ha ha!)

Once all the back panels are attached and the rig is hung, I'll do another test fit. Thanks again for watching!

P.S. My Dead Space 2 Zealot Suit will be on Heroes of Cosplay, Tuesday night, August 27th, immediately following Face Off on SyFy. Watch me nearly fall off the stage!
This is the best DS suit I have seen, and its free hand, which makes it even more amazing. It's so amazing, I can hardly think of anything to say other than its amazing.
Okay. I returned to the game and noticed a nice detail that was missing from my rig. I must confess the acrylic tube amplifies the light so much that it is difficult to tell when Isaac takes "damage" (i.e. lights change level and color) so it needed something else. So, I brewed a pot and set about to put that grid in there. I cut each hexagon out and then pulled out the masking from between them. they don't wrap all the way around but they are very faint in the game. thought it might help distract from all the JJ Abrams so-freakin-bright-it-hurts.

Thanks again to all following. Thanks to Jack for photobombing!
I feel like an idiot...should have used a light coat of paint instead of tiny bits of emory board. Oh well, next time!

It only took about three hours(paint would have been smoother and taken about ten minutes). I see Irish Cowboy is building a really nice Carver for all you Dead Space fanatics.

I'm about 85% done, just need to paint a zillion Unitologist letters! The last thing to add is the fur collar.
Not the final fitting, but getting there. Some of the parts look a little wonky and it is going to take a couple times of me putting it on to get it right. The bicep cuffs need to be rotated forward and I broke the attachment point on my holographic projector (it is held on by thread for the purpose of photos). The painting on the suit isn't quite measured correctly, but the beauty there is you can just paint in more!

I can't put it on by myself, it requires my very patient wife. Thanks Kristine! I may wait to post the final suit until after DragonCon, as we have Brian Humphrey doing his mulitpass thing so we can get some nice hi-res stuff. I'm a little pissed at this suit right now, so I'm going to give it 24 hour rest before I do my final last minute adjustments. Thanks all for watching the thread, hope to see you at Dragon!
well with all it's "flaws", you have put together one hell of a great suit. honestly, if you wouldn't have pointed them out i would never had seen them. color me jealous.
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