Dead Space 3, Isaac Clarke, Witness Suit WIP


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worked the second time. thanks!
these are the boots so far and the suit I just began sewing. I use my motorcycle boots as the base for both Dead Space suits. the suit is an insulated coverall with the legs cut off and some pleated sections sewn in. couldn't sew today (wife using machine for her 'Ellie' suit) so I made the boots. mostly.

The top portion of the suit, i.e. the sleeves, is a Dickies work jacket, cut to fit, and of course it will house the rig. that way I can put on and take off the suit in a top/bottom manner.
I love th' way ya blended th' colors together but it still looks too clean. Do you plan on addin' more battle damage to it? Your doin' an awesome job keep it up Brah can't wait ta see more.:popcorn
Crisp, sharp lines and clever electronics to boot! Ima gunna followa thissa threada.

ty for posting! Do not stop
Wow your freehand is very sharp! That helmet has a lot of little details and you are pulling it off very well. I'll be interested to see it all lit up.
I am seriously digging this, especially those boots! *subscribed* I hope wherever you're wearing it has some heavy duty A/C though; motorcycle boots, insulated coveralls, work jacket, not to mention all the foam... In Florida? Make sure you wear a Camelbak under there!
Again, I really appreciate all the great feedback and compliments. I'm fairly new to RPF but have been costuming quite some time. A little info on the suit details:

The paint job gets tons of detail. Don't know if you all have seen it, but just as much as my DS2 Zealot Suit. This suit has the Unitologist alphabet scrawled all over it, but it much weirder fashion. Also, it is black, not brown and earthy like the regular survival suit. The boots I've ridden thousands (yes, thousands) of miles in, and they are built for just about anything. As for being in Florida, I'm a Star Wars Weekends veteran, so heat and costumes are the norm down here. That being said, this costume is a Con piece, so I won't be wearing it to mow the lawn! It is going to Atlanta for Dragon*Con, so I'll not be wanting for any refreshing beverages!

I'm hopefully finishing the suit this weekend. I hate sewing (I also sew freehand), so I want to get it overwith. The suit has several coolant tubes on the torso and legs, and once I get them installed, I can make the sleeve cuffs and glove covers. Most of the lining in the suit is coming out! Once the suit is done I can coat the remaining foam and begin installing the rig. There are a lot of one-hair-brush details for the helmet remaining. I'm actually a little torqued about getting it done in time.

boots are plasi-dip coated and base painted, awaiting details and connectors to the suit. Photos are a little crappy, sorry. Friday night, crappy day at work.

These are pretty much done. They still lack the attachment system to the suit which is just velcro. The boot flanges will velcro to the suit and the ice shoe portion is held on with an elastic strap and parachute buckle. The boot covers I made from an OD green wooly-pully military sweater.

Nearing completion on this puppy. I did the thruster plates (can be seen in the background) also, but weird looking out of context. I still have to cut the acrylic tube at opposing angles to give it the graduated look it has in the game. I keep putting it off because it's a little daunting. It has to be cut to limit the light travel up the tube. If not, even if one red LED is lit, it illuminates the whole tube (and that wouldn't look like a hologram!)
I am freaking out about getting this done in time for Dragoncon. This is the basic suit so far. I have made the cowl (the part that looks like shoulder pads) but haven't attached it yet. Hard to see since this suit is black. There are 48 loops that hold that hose, which I presume is a heating element of sorts, and now I get to sew in 48 eyelets for the lacing. all the eylets are made from 1/4" nylone webbing and the hose loops are 1" elastic. everytime I look at my photos all I see is the work not done!!!

sorry about the crappy photo quality.
I've been wanting to make this suit for a while now. You are a great inspiration, great work!
I can't wait to see this sucker all together, it is shaping up very nicely, I especially love the boots.
boots are done....still have to build the holographic projector, stasis meter and Evangelizer. the cuffs on the suit got sewn today along with the cowl. pics to come.

Oh my god, it fits! Still working out the bugs. Tomorrow I can add the rig and the forearm pieces. My holographic projector case is finished, just need to install the guts and I realized I don't have any acrylic for the screen. Getting close and I promise when I am done, I will have my wife take pictures with a real camera. See you all soon!

(stupic coat hanger, looks like Skyrim!)
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