Daredevil (Netflix Series)

Yeah, it's not apparently, and Statham has been criticising comic book movies for a while now, he finds them too "far fetch". As if his movies we not... (http://www.imdb.com/news/ni58669731/). Plus he's a movie actor, with quite the ego, not kind that would consider TV easily, as good as it is !

Apparently Statham has a sense of humor 'cause his acting sucks nutz. Love the quote,
"The Crank actor has said in the past that he's not a fan of comic book type movies because of how far fetched they are, and now in a video interview with i400calci, he takes a shot at Marvel's style of "inauthentic" action sequence. "A lot of the modern sort of action movies I see, you know, Marvel comic sort of things, I just think, any guy can do it. I have no ambition. I mean, I could take my grandma and put her in a cape, and then put her in a greenscreen, and then have stunt doubles come in and do all the action. Anybody can do it."

Exactly. I always thought that the amount of punishment a human body could take was accurately depicted in "The Transporter." And I really appreciate that he picks such grounded projects as Death Race, because I think it's totally plausible that the United States would adopt not only live, to-the-death gladiatorial combat shows on national television, but that they'd also subject convicted felons to participation in them, and that they'd take place in suped up death cars while driving around a track in a match that looks more like a video game (albeit a pretty cool looking one). It's that kind of seriousness that I like to see in my Totally Not Far Fetched Cinema.
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Jon Bernthal Cast as Frank Castle in Marvel's Daredevil | The RPF Pulse

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Could be awesome if directed right and he has the right look.
I hope they don't go with a spandex costumey look or recycle the Thomas Jane skull (love it but it's tired now).
I like this look (img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120615143254/marveldatabase/images/9/95/Punisher_Vol_8_12.jpg) and would fit with how rough and brutal the Daredevil show can be.

Ps Thomas Jane was a horrible Punisher. It was like a Lifetime movie version of The Punisher. How do people not see that? Ray Stevenson was a way better Punisher. They just tried too hard to make it feel comic bookish and Dominic West's acting was ridiculously over the top. But the movie was bloody fun.

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Berenthal is an excellent choice for the role. I hope this leads to a grounded, personal spin-off show rather than the over-the-top nonsense from War Zone and the Thomas Jane film. Jane was good in the role, too, and I loved Dirty Laundry, but to me, The Punisher works best when he's not going up against villains who seem to have escaped from Batman or Dick Tracy's rogues gallery.
I'm super pumped about this since The Punisher has been my favorite since I was a kid! I think Jon has the look and chops to pull off a good Frank Castle. I liked Thomas Jane's Punisher was good but War Zone was just awful. Hopefully Jon can bring a dark more serious drama to The Punisher.
Ya Im definitely in the minority liking Thomas Jane as the punisher. The movie was just so/so but I did like him as Frank Castle.

With Berenthal I think hes a great choice and cant wait to see it play out.
I was thrilled, thrilled(!!) when my son mentioned Jon Bernthal is going to be Punisher!! It took away some of the annoyance at that schmuck Statham's assinine comments about playing a comic book character.
Damn, I am so looking forward to S2 of Daredevil!

Ps Thomas Jane was a horrible Punisher. It was like a Lifetime movie version of The Punisher. How do people not see that? Ray Stevenson was a way better Punisher. They just tried too hard to make it feel comic bookish and Dominic West's acting was ridiculously over the top. But the movie was bloody fun.

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I agree Stevenson was a better Punisher than Jane.
I thought I knew her from somewhere ! She played in a french cop tv show called "les bleus" about rookie cops that I watched from time on to time on TV. It was quite stupid, and frankly I tuned in mostly for her ! She's pretty in pictures, but she has something even more attractive on screen, I don't know what it is. Good for her anyway, because it's quite the step in from so-so french TV to a marvel/netflix production !
His real tattoo is on his chest, so the neck tattoo has to be for a recent role, unless he got that new one for himself again.
So, with Elektra and The Punisher cast, I'm gonna recommend that people curious about the general approach to the story check out the first two Frank Miller Daredevil volumes. It'll likely give us the broad strokes of the direction of this season's story.
Soooo I sat and watched this,first off I did love it but gawd it was slow! I also got real tied of "Goodwill Matt the tacky vigilante" however at the end it payed off and the costume made me happy.

Now for season two we get Punisher? oh hell ya! hopefully they make him less an anti hero and more of a threat,I see Punisher more akin to Agent 47 in Hitman-basically good but damn dangerous to be around.

Now maybe some of the Shield team will show up....
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