D.C.'s Supergirl (tv series)

Place your bets now on whether the human portion of Reign (whose name I can't recall right now) dies, and Alex ends up raising her kid.
Prepare to be out, then. They've been telegraphing this for weeks now. I'd be stunned if they didn't do it at this point.
I'm already out, I'm just watching the last of this season so I can write a scathing review and then, I will never watch another episode.
Whew! Well I guess they have me for a while longer.
Some cast shakeups and a duplicate Supergirl. Not a bad formula to changing things up.
Geez, Mon-El doesn't get EITHER girl! :(
But there will definitely be an Alex adoption at some point, and I guess I'll just fast forward through those scenes.
This season started off ok, but man. What a trainwreck of an ending to the thing. Some good moments m, but overall, I'm glad to see the back of this season.

Sadly, most of the shows have been struggling this year. They've lost their charm and fun, with the exception of Legends. I hope they can turn it around.

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This season started off ok, but man. What a trainwreck of an ending to the thing. Some good moments m, but overall, I'm glad to see the back of this season.

Sadly, most of the shows have been struggling this year. They've lost their charm and fun, with the exception of Legends. I hope they can turn it around.

Legends is only marginally better because it decided to capitalize on it's own stupidity. I want shows that aren't stupid in the first place.
Legends is only marginally better because it decided to capitalize on it's own stupidity. I want shows that aren't stupid in the first place.

I liked the feel of The Flash and Supergirl's first seasons. They were a lot of fun, they didn't take themselves too seriously, but they weren't dumb. Legends this season had some dumb aspects, but at least it was entertaining and wasn't the dour misery-fest that Arrow seems to always end up being. I'll take a little dumb if it avoids going all grimdark or filled with despair the way Flash seemed. Actually, Flash this season was an improvement over last season, but the main villain was too prominent in the narrative, and his "swiss army powers" were REALLY dumb.

The more I think about it, the more I think that these shows either need two "big bads" a season, or need shorter seasons, like, 13-16 episodes. All of them seem to suffer under the weight of a full 22-episode order.
I liked the feel of The Flash and Supergirl's first seasons. They were a lot of fun, they didn't take themselves too seriously, but they weren't dumb. Legends this season had some dumb aspects, but at least it was entertaining and wasn't the dour misery-fest that Arrow seems to always end up being. I'll take a little dumb if it avoids going all grimdark or filled with despair the way Flash seemed. Actually, Flash this season was an improvement over last season, but the main villain was too prominent in the narrative, and his "swiss army powers" were REALLY dumb.

The more I think about it, the more I think that these shows either need two "big bads" a season, or need shorter seasons, like, 13-16 episodes. All of them seem to suffer under the weight of a full 22-episode order.

I have never liked Supergirl. I like the idea of Supergirl. I like what they could potentially do with Supergirl. But I have never liked what was actually done with the show and as bad as the first season was, it's only gotten worse. The first season of Arrow and Flash were amazing. Supergirl has never been that good. And like Flash, you notice that most of the villains on Supergirl tend to be Kryptonians or related to Krypton. Flash had mostly speedstera, Supergirl has mostly Krpytonians. They keep going back to that well. I'm sick to death of Krypton. I just don't care. The problem with Supergirl, and this is a problem for most shows these days, is that they don't have enough plot for the number of episodes they have. If they do 23 episodes, like Supergirl did this year, they're lucky if they have enough plot for 12. Maybe. And it wouldn't matter if they only got 13 episodes because they'd only have enough plot for 6. And let's be honest, none of these shows have any overarching plot, they have no idea where the shows are going to go, they just milk it until it sucks so bad the network cancels it. That's why all of these Greg Berlanti shows start out strong and then fall apart. Because nobody has thought about anything beyond the first season. They get picked up again and the writers are going "crap, what do we do now?" Very few shows have any long term goals. They just throw things at the screen to see what sticks, until everyone gets tired of it.

Legends really isn't any better, it's just more self-aware. It knows that it's dumb. It plays to that dumbness. But I don't want to watch dumb shows, I want to watch well-written, well-acted, well-directed shows and those are very few and far between. And nobody ever learns from their own mistakes. That's why I've officially dropped all DC shows on the CW... actually ALL shows on the CW, because they all suck. I've got better things to do with my time.