Crusade costume questions...


Sr Member
So I'm looking at the Babylon 5 spin-off Crusade and wondering about the costumes.

They start the season in the black jumpsuits, then switch to gray. Are those officers or just crew?

Then there's the gray jumpsuits that have both red and blue panels in front..and the red ones also have little triangle patches with different logos.

Is there someplace I can get the lowdown?
That show was a little like firefly for me, in that I HATED IT at first because I saw it way out of order, but when I saw it in order, It made a lot more since, and I really liked it. (I like firefly a lot more though. :) )

It's been years, and years, since I've seen the show, though, so I don't remember much about the costumes.

Didn't they talk about the costumes in one episode? It seems like the captain had to put on a new costume at the end of one costume, and he didn't want to, or something like that.
TNT stoped production at one point and redeisgned alot including costumes.Episodes were shown in wrong order against JMS wisishes so they change episode to episode.
Anybody know what the difference is between the red and the blue?

One ep. had a couple of "red shirts" running a cutting torch, so Technicians? Engineers?
Here's a couple of links to Backlot Props that had costumes for sale from Babylon 5 and Crusade:

Here's a photo of the my Crusade midseason replacement uniform:

I believe Capt. Gideons' response after trying on the new uniform was
"I look like a bellboy!"

Here's some of my uniforms that were used on both B5 and Crusade:



Most of the uniforms were created for B5 and then recycled for use on Crusade. The early season B5 Security uniform was turned into Mars Police for Crusade with the B5 patches replaced with new Crusade patches. The B5 Earth Force Marine jumpsuit was repurposed into Excaliber security uniforms. Hope this helps!

Randy in San Diego
Now a B5 Pilot Flightsuit as shown above would be nice to have :D
Thank`s a very impressive B5 collection of uniforms you have there :D
