COVID-19 Calling all makers, Masks needed


Active Member
In the current crisis, the hospitals are quickly running out of supplies. In the US, the Defense Procurement Act has been triggered and similar measures have been taken in other countries. But we are not going to see production of the number needed gowns, masks, etc. for quite a few weeks.

Many of the people in this forum have tools and supplies that can be put to use meeting that demand.

Over the past few days, a number of groups have come together and been developing designs for various Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies. One of the centers for this is the Facebook Group:

Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies

They are producing build guides etc and getting designs out to hospitals etc. for review. We are also starting to get requests in from doctors and hospitals. We are currently looking at ways to scale up matching of supply and demand. Besides mask making, there is going to be a sudden need for HVAC engineers to reconfigure hotel air handling systems to suck the air out of rooms rather than blow and a whole host of similar concerns.

We need to ramp up quickly. We can't afford to let the doctors get sick

One thing that could help massively here is if any of you has a direct contact for Adam Savage. He has a very large and relevant audience. If he made mask making, gown making etc. the subject of one day builds, it would reach a large and more importantly capable audience. And moreover we really need someone skilled in making that type of video.

One last thing: Yes, we know ventilators are going to be in short supply but unless you are a medical expert or happen to have a manufacturing capability able to build a hundred units a week, you can almost certainly do more good making PPE. Making parts for ventilators is a different matter but its still a specialized area as the parts need to be sterile.

If there is something urgent and relevant, I can be reached via email:
I am cranking out Prusa face shields. PrusaPrinters
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The biggest problem is the filtration material needed for the masks is whats in short supply. Making a mask that uses paper towel filters wont really help. But face shields and other PPE is whats really needed
What the hospitals are asking for is 3d printed face shields and sewn masks. Right now some folk are having to use bandanas, scarves, etc.

Also gowns.

There is a lot of information in the FB group, best to do design there.
I teach at a local university and since we're still operational (just) I'm printing out these door/drawer handle pullers/ATM button pushers (to minimise skin contact) for those of us needing to use communal corridors/vending machines etc. I saw some being printed, quickly drew up a file in Blender and I'm churning these out in batches of eight. Every little helps.
Things are getting organized in last 48hours

MasksForDocs (@MasksForDocs) | Twitter
Doctor/nurse/hospital needing supplies?:arrow_right:
Have supplies?:arrow_right:
Local volunteer?:arrow_right: Slack:
Developer? Maker?:arrow_right: Slack:

Address to send Prusa face shields RC2 parts for assembly and distribution:

Pouch Receiving Address:

Repkord @ Hackerlab
ROCKLIN, CA 95677-2163
United States

We need RC2 of BOTH band pieces in the model here preferably in PETG (best for disinfecting) But will take any LABELED material (edited)
I don't have a direct contact with Adam, but you could always try PMing him or tagging him in your posts to try and approach him about it.
Hey guys,

While the effort to produce some sort of alternative face mask is appreciated, we aren't to that point (yet), at least in the realm of definitive care hospitals.

What we are in desperate need of is N95 masks that prevent viral transmission, which regular facemasks do not. The CDC has gone as far as to loosen what are normally strict guidelines which encourage the limited use of N95 masks by healthcare providers, putting us at risk. They have also included other PPE sparing and conservation measures including reusing of masks, and omission of masks in some cases.

The CDC also recently released crisis level guidance on the improvisation of homemade masks in the most extreme cases, which is what is making the news and all these support groups... we aren't here yet. That is what the whole "flattening the curve" effort is meant to avoid. In these cases, there is no documented benefit that homemade masks would do anything to assist us in the prevention of infection when taking care of these patients. This is solely going off of the idea that something is better than nothing, but when you are involved in an aerosol-generating procedure such as nebulizers, CPAP/BiPAP, intubation, ventilator management, mechanical ventilation, etc, these masks may very well be useless. We need to continue to advocate for healthcare workers to have the appropriate supplies we need to do our jobs safely, meaning access to N95+ masks and air-purifying respirators.

What would be more beneficial would be if you can call/write and encourage/demand your state and federal government representatives support emergency measures to release federal stockpiles of PPE to healthcare workers and mandate the production of more masks by the private sector which the current administration has so far refused to do.


Dakota C. BSN, RN, CFRN, CCRN, FP-C, Paramedic
Flight Nurse / Paramedic
Thank you for the information! There is so much being said about this from so many angles, but it's best to hear from someone like you who is literally dealing with this from the front lines.
Dakota C. BSN, RN, CFRN, CCRN, FP-C, Paramedic
Flight Nurse / Paramedic

We just got like 20 cases of 3M masks in for our clinicians. Good on government recruiting private industry to help. Nice to see another Air Ambulance person on here. I fight insurances to keep ours in the air.
Team Lead- Patient Advocacy Dept.
MN Appeals

Seeing this thread makes me heart this forum even more.
