Count Dooku Question...


Sr Member
So I was wondering, why did Dooku not go all out Sith looking? All the sith you've seen(in the games as well as the movies) had some sign of the dark side corrupting their bodies. Maul had the eyes, Palpatine had to wear a "mask" of sorts to hide the corruption the dark side had done to him. Anakin was only a full sith for a day before his eyes went Maul-ish. So why did Dooku look normal?
In his younger days.

as with the entire PT, it made no sense. Some character development instead of a few lines and off'ing them in a total CGI extravaganza would have been the way to go. Without blowing a fuse, its just a "movie" (and I use that term loosely) so I suspect Dookie was intending to do the right thing but was corrupted in the process by power and greed.
If you look at the movie, they can change their eye color. Sidious did it, and I should point out he had no signs of deformation until Mace deflected his lightning back at him. Anakin/Vader also changes his eyes back after you see them turn yellow. When Padme arrives his eyes are normal.
Anakin/ Vader's eyes only turned when he was filled with the Dark Side. They went back and forth pretty quickly.

Maul's eyes may not have been a function of the Dark Side at all... but of his species. The Zabrak are known to have eye colors that aren't usually found in humans. It's also possible that since he was so ferocious, he was constantly filled with anger and the Dark Side. So his eyes were constantly the same color as a Sith filled with the Dark Side.

As for Palpatine's transformation... it's kind of up in the air as to what transformed him. I have my theories... other's have their own... and all bringing them up does, is cause people to argue over things that are both unknown and unreal.

It doesn't seem that we ever saw Dooku ever get excessively angry or really fill completely with the Dark Side. Perhaps his heart just wasn't in it.
In a perfect PT world, Dooku would have been the perfect Vader, Qui Gon the perfect Anakin. Lee has the voice, the charisma.
Didn't Palpatine comment on how he was scarred by his attack by the Jedi?

Yeah, the other thing about Dooku is the line "always two there are, master and apprentice." So, Palpatine, Dooku, Maul... Then Vader. Also if Darth has to be their first name now, why not Darth Dooku? Maybe they can choose not to change their eyes and name to reveal themselves, like Palpatine, while "undercover." :rolleyes
Dooku was played by Palpatine, just like everyone else.

He was one of the Jedi that jumped ship before they ultimately failed ... and it seems he instilled some of this rebeliousness and free thinking into Qui-Gon. (And perhaps, by extention, to Obi Wan himself.) Doesn't seem like such a bad guy to me. Look in his eyes when Palp tells Anakin to kill him.

You've got to wonder, would Qui Gon have been so adament against the council to train Anakin if he hadn't been trained under Dooku? I think he plays an important part in the chain of events that ultimately leads to the "ballance" of the Force being achieved.
I have to agree with nickytea on this. I always assumed Dooku was a Sith because the opportunity presented itself and because he didn't agree with the Jedi ways anymore. Not necessarily hate like Palpatine but more of a mutually beneficial partnership
Concerning Dooku's roll in the Federation and how he talks to Obi-wan, I would say, he hasn't been under the control of the dark side for very long, he also seems more concerned about money and politics. It could also have been that he was not completely corrupted at the time of his death. Any number of possibilities exist. nickytea makes a good point though, Anakin was a pawn of Palpatine long before he showed the iconic signs of the dark side.

Concerning Dooku's roll in the Federation and how he talks to Obi-wan, I would say, he hasn't been under the control of the dark side for very long, he also seems more concerned about money and politics. It could also have been that he was not completely corrupted at the time of his death. Any number of possibilities exist. nickytea makes a good point though, Anakin was a pawn of Palpatine long before he showed the iconic signs of the dark side.


That's what I think. I also think Dooku was in it for the power, or his perception of being more powerful. I also don't think Sidious considered him a true apprentice. Dooku was an opportunity to fill the role until Anakin could be turned. You see how Dooku is shocked when Sidious tells Anakin to kill him. If Dooku was really Sith, he should have expected that.