Costume Accuracy vs. Publics Views

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I've started to work on a new costume for the upcoming con season, this particular costume involves a WWII German Uniform. So heres my question, should I go for costume accuracy and have the full uniform or go for what the public would view as "right" and not put the swastika? I personally think its ok to put it on there because its a costume, but what do you guys think?
Is it a pin or something you can remove from the costume? If its removable, I'd try it but I'd only have it on when in the convention where people might recognize it. When not at the con, I'd remove the swastika. What costume is it?
Thats a tough one. Normally, 100% accuracy all the way. If it's a Heer costume, there are only a couple of places with the swastika showing anyway (I think) so you could just stick some tape over it?

Would love to see some pics when it's done aswell :)
Regardless of what look your going for, people just don't like seeing a swastika. For Example, If you were going with a guy dressed as Indiana Jones and you were in the German uniform, I don't think people will put 2+2 together. They'll just see the swastika and think your a hate monger or ask you how could where such a hateful thing.

People get funny about things like that and tend to react before they think.

I'm not saying don't, just be prepared for it.
I wouldn't wear a Swastika on a costume personally. For the simple fact that I know I would run into someone who would take major offense to it. Nazi's sort of bring out a unique hate in people that is accepted as okay. No one has to listen to reason when it comes to a Nazi or anything having to do with them.

I'm not saying that is right or wrong, it just seems to be the way that it is. Its okay to kill them without risk of sympathy in movies etc. Historical significance gets pushed aside completely.

I can't see people accepting it as a costume piece, even at a con. Normally who cares, but people could go out of their way to give you grief. I've been collecting the 1/32 scale aircraft from 21st Century toys and none of the German planes have swastikas on them. I didn't think it would annoy me, but in a way it sort of does. Its almost watering down how evil the Nazis were by not having that symbol on there!

You just never know how someone is going to react to the "flag with the black spider".
People get funny about things like that and tend to react before they think.
In fairness, plenty of people who have thought about it a lot also react that way. One way to look at it would be, is whatever you're doing worth the emotional reactions that you could cause? That's one point of view, anyway.
I've started to work on a new costume for the upcoming con season, this particular costume involves a WWII German Uniform. So heres my question, should I go for costume accuracy and have the full uniform or go for what the public would view as "right" and not put the swastika? I personally think its ok to put it on there because its a costume, but what do you guys think?

Your going to get a reaction . It's up to you personally if you want to go through the hassle .
I feel if you just go for it and be confident in it. Then it shouldnt bother you or others. I have seen 13 yr old wear the swatizka cause it appears on some anime characters.
I feel if you just go for it and be confident in it. Then it shouldnt bother you or others. I have seen 13 yr old wear the swatizka cause it appears on some anime characters.

I suppose that goes under free speech. Just as much as my desire to tell that parent they should have been born sterile. :thumbsdown I'm not aiming that at you by the way. I just think that is a screwed up thing to put a stamp of approval on for a kid.
I guess if it were me, I'd go with my gut..

I'm one of those type of guys that could never wear a swastika because it's just taboo, or at least that's how I've been brought up. If it's something that's that important to you, go for it. I'm sure someone's going to react, you either have to deal with it, or not wear the swastika.

Best of luck
well, what if you reversed the symbol??? isn't it a possitive meaning when its turned the other way??? That way your bases are covered, people would know what you are and if they try to argue with you, explain the difference
well, what if you reversed the symbol??? isn't it a possitive meaning when its turned the other way???

HAHAHA- yea right, that'll appease them. Most people don't even know what direction the Nazi one goes anyway - they just know the basic black shape and the red circle. Explain to them it's an ancient symbol of good luck - uh huh. :wacko

I remember in my younger days I had a Dead Kennedys armband on my leather jacket that had a swastika on it w/ a giant red circle & line through it. An old guy hassled me about it cause he didn't want to see that blasted symbol. I tried to explain it was an "anti-nazi" thing... "see, the red line through it - it means NO, like a no parking or no u-turn sign"... he didn't care - all he saw was the swastika.
If faced with such a question in my own mind I just go with what ***** said, namely that even if it is a good thing (ie: nothing inherently wrong with wearing a historical army costume), yet it offends your neighbor (ie: it will offend most Jews), then perhaps you should not do something that you know will offend some people. Wearing it knowing it will offend makes it more than just a matter of you being comfortable sticking with costume accuracy. And by offense we know there are costumes that can be offensive like from horror movies but this is something different because it relates to historically factual events that affected a people. Just my 2 cents I'm just saying that is how I would view it for myself.
I say it really depends on how you plan to use it. For accuracy sake I would wear it. If you are okay with wearing it I say go for it. Just be ready for backlashes from some people who may THINK you are a Nazi and stay closed minded of your true intentions.
I had a buddy of mine almost get attacked for wearing his Buddy ****** at a Con. So just be sure you have buddies around to pull any crazies offya if need be.
In Germany it is a forbidden Symbol by federal law.

You have to hide it even on an original WWII airplane on airshows no matter
how small or big it is and where the plane comes from.

If you would show it on a model or uniform or whatever all hell will break loose and you will be in serious buisness with the Department of Public Prosecution.

Not to mention the public opinion or press.

It is the same way in most european countrys.
I think you should think twice before you get that accurate. I remember driving through New Mexico and seeing a lot of the symbols on cars, etc. Turns out it did go the opposite direction, and it's a native American Symbol. However, I had a knee jerk reaction to just seeing the symbol, and didn't pay any attention to the rest until someone pointed it out to me.

Didn't Prince Harry get some bad press because he wore an authentic Nazi costume for a Halloween party?
The best I can say is this: If it were a uniform of the German Army circa WW2 minus the swas, then maybe. It's a symbol of the country and pride of the people defending it as soldiers( yeah I know, explain that to the average guy, still not going to go well more than likely)and not the party that ruled them. But if it's an SS uniform, that's a completely different WORLD. They embraced the symbolism of the uniform and were, according to the History Channel, true believers in what is referred to as "evil."
Can we see a pic? Knowing the exact details can't hurt.
PS: it would also be interesting to see what would happen if you went to a con as a DEAD nazi.
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Only in a reenactment would I even consider it. Not at a con. To me this is a case of reality over our fantasy costumes, etc.

I am glad the vile response to the swastika has remained today amongst the midst of pansy political correctness and hurting peoples feelings.
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