"Concept" Phase Weapon by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Interest thread Started in the Junkyard with a list going.

Hey, who was the guy that posted here (between this post and the one right before this) that it was OK to set up a link between the junkyard thread and here? LOL... and has since deleted their post? LOL I got busted for the incorrect info. :) You left me holding the hot potato..... lol
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Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Here's some pics of just the 3d printed parts. There's also other hardware you will need and I will either include that in the kits or provide the info on what you need and where to get it.

Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Hi Kenney,

I just noticed that in your vid of the functioning P1 you show a translucent rising hood wedge, but in your kit photos the piece is solid white ?
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

This prop just keeps getting more incredible by the minute. :)
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC


Yea.... originally I printed the target sight in a white plastic. I eventually pulled a mold and cast a solid clear sight. The kit you would get would have a clear printed part. That was the only part I went back and changed. Nice catch.... man you guys don't miss anything.
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Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Just amazing work.

Does the P1 have a trigger on it? I'm not seeing one on the underside on the CAD drawings, and unless it's built into the dial that raises the target sight I'm at a loss for where it could be if there's one in the piece.

If/when the JY run is a go will you do a build tutorial?
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC


There is a button on the bottom of the housing. It doesn't move but it's there. This P1 is a little bit smaller than the TOS P1 so I really didn't have extra room for button mechanics. There's more pics to come.

As for a build tutorial? Basically, every question is answered with all the pics I took. Once all the pics are up, you'll have a pretty good footing to build this.
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Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

I need this....are you going to do it? Where can I send the $!!!!!!!
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

AWESOME Concept Phaser - Love the design and ALL of the features.

It is always a task to take an original design - keeping the basic cannon - and put a new spin on it that makes it modern and attractive. You did an AWESOME job. Love it. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing any of your projects. :thumbsup
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

You did a dynamite job with this Ken! Just wish they had used it.
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Thanks guys!

For anyone joining in.... make sure you check out the "interest thread" list I have going over at the Junkyard. It looks like, at this time, I will do a run of these. So, if you're truly interested, please let me know. Make sure if you're not on the list keep after me so I add you if you want one. Once I get enough people on the list to fill up my SLA machines, I'll come up with some cost numbers for you all.
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

They should have used this one. Who In there right mind creates a weapon with flipping barrels. the rotation of a revolver cylinder would probably be faster than the flipping of a barrel. and In that split second longer. You might as well be wearing a red shirt... No offence meant to you red shirt...lol
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

The rotating barrel also seems to indicate that stun/kill is a function of the lens the beam passes through rather than a modulation of the output or whatever. It seemingly reduces the weapon to a binary state rather than a wide array of incremental settings that give the phaser more uses than purely self defense. Never did much care for the red "kill" tip either since it's just silly and looks even more ridiculous if the weapon is set to stun so you have this red tip in the middle breaking up all the chrome in an odd fashion.

Kenney, the first video shows you fiddling with buttons and switches on the phaser. Is there a specific function for the button you pressed in on either side below the barrel adjustment dial by the trigger? Is the lever that looks like a slide catch at the top of the grip functional?
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

They should have used this one. Who In there right mind creates a weapon with flipping barrels. l

People who thought it would look "Cool", like all the chrome. They were mistaken. It does not.

Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC


Damn.... do you guys miss anything? I knew that when I designed this thing, I had to keep you hard core gents in mind. LOL I'm so glad I did. OK, so here's the story behind the buttons. The rotary dial on both sides of the phaser adjust the emitter in and out. The idea behind that is that the more "in" the emitter is, the larger area the beam covers. Say you want to stun a crowd during riot control. The more the emitter is "out", The more precise the beam is for targeting a specific individual in a crowd. Obviously you identify the trigger button in the front to fire the weapon. Then you have 2 push buttons (one on each side) and 2 slide switches like the slide lock you would find on say a Colt 1911. There is one of those on each side. The weapon is meant to be ambidextrous. Now, the slide switches do move a little, I DO NOT recommend you keep moving it cause they are delicate. Here's what those buttons are for.........

absolutely ****ing nothing. LOL I never got that far to identify those buttons. I just wanted those there to give the director extra possible functions for the actors to make out like they do something. Now, on top of the P1, that dial that turns and pops open the targeting sight is also the power setting wheel.

The power cell on the bottom is just that. I holds the real batteries for the light. Also, I used magnets to not only hold the pack in place when you insert it... but the magnets are also the contact points for the electrical connections. lol

I will kick around some ideas of what I will have the other buttons be in charge of and let you guys know.
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Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC


Can I ask what type of printer you use to print the parts - they look great.


Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Funny, that's exactly how I was figuring the emitter worked as well.

Glad the design is ambidextrous, being a lefty shooter.

Did you ever consider having a button to eject the power cell rather than just yanking the thing out? That'd be my first "that's what it does" idea for those push buttons that do nothing.
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

Awesome and well done....that is an amazing concept in both well thought out parts and the execution of the build.
They really should use it on the big screen.
Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness "Concept" Phaser by Kenney's Custom Props, LLC

So...what's the communicator and tricorder that match this incarnation going to look like?
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