"Code zero, zero, zero . . . destruct . . . zero!"

Rhett J Martin

Sr Member
Well gang it's been awhile, and now that a crazy year is wrapped up, I've turned some of my newer scratch building skills over to a new project.
Most of you will remember one of the first PL buildups to go on after it's release took place here in the form of a commision for Bryancd and was to be built and "lit" by myself. While my painting and assembly skills were up to the task, I had so much trouble lighting the model, that I not only melted some plastic; as I recently discovered, I actually lit a few parts on fire. So, needless to say, much time and money was wasted, and the model has sat gathering dust and debris. Bryancd moved on to another builder, and we came to an aggreement, thankfully(Thanks again B.).
As I've started to redesign my studio space (read: dining room), I've found that with numerous 1/350 masters being created for newer kits to go with the Enterpise, she's a bit in the way.
As I was deciding this, the Cristies auction happened and Phase Pistol was able to grab all those fantastic photos of some of our most beloved studio models, including the short seen 1701 model that took a nose dive into the Genesis Planet.
As i was think about how not to toss this model in the trash, or use it for spare parts, I cuaght the glint of my Dremel, and well . . . take a look . . .



I really can't wait to tackle this, as we'll be lighting it with train "fire lights" and we'll be mounting her on a "Genesis" base. I'll also take the opportunity to take you though the various movie damages, like the phaser slices, and the repaneld damage, etc. I'll do my best to show you guys how to build one of these up too.

Thanks to Karl for the photos and Bryancd for the insperation.
Started experimenting with the interior decking, and found that just hotglueing the decks in worked fine. have only started the filling and the strut work, but am really confident about the project. As you can see, I've also got the hole in the back cut out, and that will be completely see through with girders etc. inside. So far, the only thing I'm dreading is the vertical strut work. Enjoy.


Very cool.

Careful not to make the struts too thick, or they'll fill all the interior space in the thinnest part of the hull and you'll have a lot of dead-end hallways in your starship. ;)
<div class='quotetop'>(Mechamaniac @ Nov 13 2006, 12:58 PM) [snapback]1356520[/snapback]</div>
My god Bones....what have I done? :D

McCoy: "You blew up our ship, you dumb@ss..."
<div class='quotetop'>(Betamin @ Nov 19 2006, 10:43 PM) [snapback]1361619[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>(Mechamaniac @ Nov 13 2006, 12:58 PM) [snapback]1356520[/snapback]
My god Bones....what have I done? :D

McCoy: "You blew up our ship, you dumb@ss..."

No joke, when I was in the theater and Kirk asked, "My god Bones....what have I done?", this dude two rows behind me screamed out "You blew up the Enterprise, you m0+#3r f*@k3r." :confused I guess he took it even harder than the rest of the audience. So much for mourning in quiet dignity. :confused

Anywho, this project is looking great. I attempted this with the old AMT a few years ago. You've got the advantage of a great model to start with and some great reference shots. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I thought about trying this with the PL kit, I just couldn't bring myself to destroy my extra copy. Maybe I'll do a Reliant. So far you're doing a great job of capturing one of the most memorable (and tear-jerking :cry ) scenes in Star Trek history. :thumbsup Keep us posted with lots of photos. :)

I always get all lump in the throat-y about the all blowed up Enterprise but watching people make quality conversions of regular models into that fallen warrior ship is so amazing. Keep us up to date.
tIik a break to fill some orders for Ghostbuster stuff. It was a wee bit busier holiday that we thought. Wheee...
I love the destructed Enterprise and this one being the 1\350 scale makes it even more exciting.

Looking good as usual. Keep us posted..
A small update . . .been ignoring this project fro a bit, but have started to simplify the ever increasing bits of junk in the hull by shooting some black on it. I'll soon be finishing the right side of the hull, and then adding the yellows and reds on the interior, and installing the "fire lights" and "arc welder lights" from Minatronics, a model train accesory site(check it out, cool stuff). Here's some updated pics, and more on the way. She has to be ready for here unveiling at Farpoint (ST con) here in Maryland in early Feb. She'll be the centerpeice, along with our 1/350 Stargazer and Reliant, and about all of my current models and Ghostbuster props.
Alot of photoetched beaming and smaller junk greeblies have been added, as well as the vertical supports are going in. You can't see it in the photos, but, some of the "hallways" are hollow, as are some Jeffery's tubes.
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