*** Christmas Gift Swap UPDATE 12/21 List is CLOSED ***

some images..I had to tell him that this was " daddy's gun "..lol



Fuelish , I am quite impressed by my gift . My 5 year old who has many nerf guns has already almost taken it over . He wants me to make a case for all his guns now.
I'm afraid my gifts won't hold a candle to yours , but like I said before when I get my runs started you can have your pick of 1 or 2 for free....thanks again , man I still am pinching myself over it. pictures too come.

You are very welcome. It was a fun project to do.
My wife got the case off of craigslist. It is for silverware, you can usally find them cheap. EDIT: She(my wife, eastcoastmojo) says they do not show up often but if you can find a person that resells silverware, they sometimes have the boxes at a good price.
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I got my package from propologist. Many goodies inside including a Halcyon Predator kit, issues 1-3 of Green Arrow(signed by the artists), signature cards, and a bag of greeblies. Thanks, man. I will put up some pictures tonight. (I can't wait to start on the Predator).
thanks man , I hadn't got my prop making up to par as of yet . I hope you can use the plastic bust form too to put something on . I have a few and they are pretty cool for some things.
Not prop related but I hope you can use or re-gift some of the items,,lol
This is the Predator kit, the detail looks great, tho I may go crazy painting the mesh.


The paper items(The flash obscured them a little)

The books are in such good shape(the StarWars tech mag looks to have never been opened), I am torn between reading them and archiving them. :)
My wife is taking the shirt form, she does some sewing and may have some stuff to show on the costume forum at some point.
Thanks again. Chuck
I got your name...are you referring to the stuff I sent?
Batarang etc?

I'm wondering who got me;)
*checking the mailbox franticly , daily * ;)


Thanks for the gifts. They are all incredible. Just so you know you have more coming it's just that my printer is on the fritz currently. Once it's back up and running expect another package. Let's see a picture of the Starfleet ring... sounds awesome.

^^I know the feeling. I don't have molds or finished stuff sitting around, so I had to make mine from scratch. It's also dealing with a character that I've never worked on before. It's taken me some time to get the right materials and get the parts looking just right. I was going to do something else, but with what I have available, it just wasn't feasible at the moment.
Received my gift today! :D

It was a Golden ticket as well as Two Face's coin from Dark Knight. Many thanks to Beeb89 for the gift! The coin in particular is very nice. :D
Golden Ticket as in, "I've got a golden ticket, I've got a golden twinkle..." ?
I was just thinking that would be a neat thing to do.
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