celtic predator helmet and edward scissorhands


New Member
hi guys im completely new here and would like to share some of my first prop builds. i sculpted and molded the helmet and its small pieces and the scissor hand is scratch built out of styrene. please tell me what you think.





Good job on the hands. I'm looking to remake mine soon out of all aluminum.

I was surprised when I personally saw the real ones... they were much smaller than you'd think.
Well, I'm a bit of a Predator nut, sure, but I want to ooh and ahh over that scissor hand! I'd have never thought of doing that, but now that I see it, it's so obviously an awesome prop to make. Nicely done!
thanks for the compliments guys. i do have a few build photos of both but they will take some time to find. but if anyone is curious as to where i got my reference photos for the scissor hand just check out "The Winston Effect". it is stan winston's amazing studio book.
yea i will sell them once i get enough cash to make the silicone molds and buy some 2 parts plastic. when i made the scissor hands and the helmet i had a choice, mold the helmet which was sculpted in chavant and would easily get damaged, or mold the scissor hands which were already durable and in a paintable form. so i opted to mold the celtic helmet and all of its smaller parts rather than the hands....which i kinda regret.
i like the scissor hand. i have been thinking about machining some out some time. they are a cool prop just to have.
Those scissors are incredible!! I've been reading The Winston Effect lately and have been working on adding pieces to my costume gloves, but if you ever plan to make some to sell I'd love to know asap! GREAT JOB!
Like everybody else, I'd be in for a set of the Scissorhands. They look very authentic.
Nice celtic,but what made me get my bib was the Scissor hands! very nice I would be in for a set also.hopefuly by then I will have the required posts to buy on the junkyard.
welcome aboard