CDI Emperor Palpatine project


New Member
Hey everyone. On May 21st, on the 501st forum and here, I was dubbed a re-caster cause I had made an honest mistake. You can read what happened here:

So in order to redeem myself from embarrassment and humiliation, I started from the ground up on my own
Emperor Palpatine bust that I plan on using to make a silicone prosthetic as well as a full pull over silicone mask to wear.

My reference material I used for this project were snap shots printed out of Emperor Palpatine from ROTS, ESB04, and snap shots of actor Ian Mcdiarmid for reference to his nose and ears.

I was hoping to get this project up on a website but I lost track of time this last month making this bust. Lot’s of time and MORE money (since my first project got dubbed re-casted junk and couldn't make the money back spent on it) was put into this not to mention my wife upset at me spending my 1 month vacation in my studio trying to redeem myself and have this darthslick “Re-caster” image lifted off my head!!

Here are pics and a documentation of what I’ve been dong this last month.





1. Bricks of clay are NSP (Non Sulphurated Plasteline) NSP is a line of professional, sulphur free sculpting clay that I picked out for this project because it was cheap after all the money blown in my “Re-casted” Silicone mask. I used the NSP for the base structure. The large blocks are Castiline Modeling Compound which are hard unless kept warm. You also need heated tools to work with it. As a side note, before I went any further on sculpting, I tested out the sealer mold release. In return the sealer mold release from the Smooth-On makes it very soft.....

2. Was not expecting the NSP to be so hard and ended up having to nuke it to make it moldable.


3. Ended up having to get a heat light to keep castiline useable and also to heat the model. Make sure to keep far enough away or it melts.






4. Started out by balling up the NSP into a basic head shape that would be the support structure for the castiline. I ended up spending way too much time building detail on it that later on I ended up having to re-do a lot as there was no way I could just put down a thin layer of castiline over it if that makes any sense?



5. I Ended up building a shoulder base out of the rest of the NSP rather than wasting castiline on shoulders incase I needed to use the rest of the castiline for something else. This also allowed the removal of the head from the shoulders which made detail work much easier.



6. Detail work on the eye sockets and cheek's did not look right on the first attempt. It seemed to flat to me so I added higher ridges.

7. Found out that castiline changes colors when left under a heat lamp.. ooo fun... also found out that the core of a castiline block can boil yet the outside looks hard and 6 minutes in the microwave is way to much. Bock pictured is NSP but you get the idea.

Thank God I have my own microwave in my studio!! My wife and I are already fighting over this and to make that mess in her microwave??!! My microwave was one heck of a mess... an hour to clean.

All in all being my first time making something from the ground up.. I feel really good and confident. I just don’t want to be know as a “Re-caster” and that I do have a love and a talent for the arts.













After this, sometime soon, I plan on taking the next step and making a mold to test out the first
prosthetic before I try a full pull over. Thank you to those here and the 501st that lifted my spirits and encouraged me to do this project after the embarrassment and humiliation of my silicone mask project before this.

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Good to see your making one, it looks greeat so far. I have a question though, what has the 501st done? Did they kick you out or just dubbed you.
Just dubbed me. I originally posted the sale there on the 501st since I'm part of the legion. I made the mistake of hijacking a thread to sell my mask. So member's there brought it over here and then informed not only me but the Sith Lord Detachment. I got a PM from the Sith Lord Detachment forum site banning me from any sales there but I pleaded my case and the ban was lifted. I've apologized to everyone. Money was returned and now I'm here doing the right thing by sculpting my own.
I would have posted this up last night but the RPF was done. So I'm doing so today. I want to make sure this going to work or fall apart either way


I applied Dragon skin pro for the first 2 layers for a nice smooth coat in the beginning stages of the prosthetic mold.



I then applied Dragon skin 30 for the thick layers for support. I've let this set over night.
Next I’m going to cover with plaster bandages for even better support before I attempt (crossing my fingers that the bust makes it through) to pull the prosthetic mold.
Nicely done. I'm glad to see that you didn't give up. This is something that when done will be very nice especially with your talents with an airbrush.
Sorry everyone. I've been busy with my real day job and last track of time. So here's what's been going on this project.


Next I put bandages over the mold to hold it's shape so when I pour in the silicone the mold doesn't shift on me.





The de-molding came out beautifully and my Palpatine bust was unharmed.


Slacker and pro cat makes dragon skin feel more like real skin. That's the slacker where procat speeds up the set time








3 cups one half full first layer of dragons skin and half cup of slacker with a splash of procat

The reason for the full mask pull was to make sure there was no errors that needed repaired in the mask before pulling the applications themselves.

First batch: 2 white, 1 skin tone
Second batch: 2 white, 1 skin tone, 3 blood



Poring of the silicone into the mask or smearing it around




Trying to get a even coat to make sure there is no errors in the mask and to see how thick the applications will need to be for durability reasons.




Mixing Skin TITE Part A and Part B together to apply to my face to hold the prosthetic mask on. (Note: it's better to wash and shave your face before applying! LOL)


And there you have it. A silicone Palpatine prosthetic mask. Of course you would cut out certain areas of the mask for 501st requirements.

Next I plan on touching up with paint and start on the full silicone pull over mask.
fantastic! well done. love the detail, i was thinking of making a facial prosthetic myself, probably from Dracula, with Gary Oldaman but havent a clue how, this has really helped thank you.