Captain Marvel

While, I'm a big fan of the original Captain Marvel, I'm not too keen on the idea that he's mostly referred to as Shazam nowadays. The first actor to play him on the big screen are from the same town (he settled there after his movie career I believe and it's not that I knew him or anything... but, it's kinda cool that we lived in the same little 2.2 square mile city).

Yeah - I do think Shazam deserves to be called Captain Marvel. But, I don't think it's an abomination. The abomination appears to be what they're putting on the big screen and calling Shazam... I'm looking forward to Marvel's Captain Marvel.
I'm a big Carol Danvers fan, and couldn't care less about the DC Captain Marvel, aka, Shazam. Probably won't bother to see the DC one in theaters, but I'll definitely be seeing Captain Marvel.

Costumes look good, Skrulls look good, glad to see Ronan and Korath back, and I'm certain the film will do all the characters and story well. I'm really excited about this one.

I'll admit, I know very little about DCs Captain Marvel, so I'm not really sure what to think. The trailer looked kinda funny, and light hearted, as opposed to the dark and gritty appearance of the rest of the DCEU. That may work for this film, as long as it's a stand-alone and doesn't try to tie it into the rest. Looks more like a super hero spoof movie than the traditional super hero movie. An action comedy might be what DCEU needs to compete with the MCU.

Still think MCU Marvel will dominate over DC Shazam at the box office.
So DC created Captain Marvel as Shazam.
Then Marvel re-appropriated Captain Marvel as Carol Danvers.
DC then re-appropriated Carol Danvers as Supergirl's adoptive sister.
CW then re-appropriated Carol Danvers as an LGBTQ heroine.
Dinosaurs eat man, and woman inherits the earth.
Seems fair.
So how come they are going with Captain Marvel for Carol Danvers and not Ms. Marvel? I personally like the Ms. Marvel moniker better, its alliterive(sp), she had a cooler costume; this one reminds me of the nova corps costume, and whenever I hear captain, I think of Captain America. Why is she called captain marvel? Is there no other rank? Colonel Marvel? :lol
Because that's what she's currently called, and has been called for the last 6 years. And there's another character going by Ms Marvel now, who I hear is also being considered for her own film (or something).
And if anybody wants to know a further in-universe reason, in one of the first issues Captain America encourages Carol to take on the Captain Marvel mantle when she is still skeptical about it.
Yeah, when Carol acquired the powers, it was the '70s, and the ERA was a big thing, Ms. Magazine has started, and that honorific was the Current Big Thing. So she was Ms. Marvel until she lost her powers because of Rogue. She went by a few names while she recovered from that, before reclaiming the mantle more recently. And, as also mentioned, Kamala Khan hero-worships her, so when the Terragen Mist attack on New York happened, it sorta kinda granted her wish to be Captain Marvel -- but she liked the old thigh boots and red sash ensemble, so that was the wish granted. Settling into her own identity as the new Ms. Marvel took a bit, with hijinks along the way... So there's currently both a Captain Marvel and a Ms. Marvel from Marvel. And I do expect to see Kamala show up at some point in the next Phase or two. They've been setting up an MCU version of the Young Avengers for a while now. Nice to know they've got plans beyond the active life of the current generation of actors. Cassie Lang, Miles Morales (obliquely), Sharon Carter, Wanda and Vision's kids (potentially -- they went to a lot of trouble to get the Maximoff twins into the MCU, when they're mutants and Fox had those locked up in their rights package)...
Just the right amount of epic build up with intrigue, while still teasing the final costume. Glad to see the helmet in some form.

Go Brie Larson!

Captain Marvel Teaser Poster

The trailer looks great!
The de-aged Sam Jackson and Clark Gregg look flawless.
Seeing Carol in her Green then Red, Blue and Gold uniform to the helmet and space armour is great.

I'll be there on opening day watching this in IMAX 3D to get the most out of the space scenes!