Captain America's shield scratchbuild- lots o pics!

It's amazing learning all the different methods people come up with to create replicas. Starting off with the foam was a pretty unique idea...maybe old school to some of you, but I've got a LOT to learn. Thanks for sharing this!
I love the fact that amazing threads like this can be resurrected and it's perfectly acceptable. It gives those of us a chance that missed them or weren't here a chance to see them.
That is a great shield. I like the size and the fact it is lightweight too. I would have been the guy that defaced it by putting all the signatures on the front in one ring.
I love the fact that amazing threads like this can be resurrected and it's perfectly acceptable. It gives those of us a chance that missed them or weren't here a chance to see them.

I couldn't agree more. Many forums that I am on frown on resurrecting old threads, but at the same time complain when you start a new post on topics which have already been discussed. Even though I am new here this is already one of my favorite forums that I visit.

I am more of a DC guy than Marvel. But I have to say I love that shield. I would love to have a couple of them. One for me and one to give my local comic shop.
Beautiful Shield!!! Looks great.....

Quick question: What type of paint did you end up using for the red white and blue? Basic spray paint? Thanks for the assistance! :)
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