Captain America's shield scratchbuild- lots o pics!

That looks AMAZING! And a great idea to have it signed by those guys. I've met Steve McNiven and a bunch of other comics pros in the past, and they've always been great, I'm sure they loved seeing this! Nice little sketch Tim Sale put on there too!
That's a great piece of scratchbuild!

Nice work!

You're a decent photographer too - great composition on those shots.


That is an amazing scratchbuild, but the autographs make it top notch!!!!

Love the boots photo :)
Thanks for documenting your work. Just wonderful! It's so cool that you got your favorite comic artists to sign the back. Two questions: Are you gonna get Jim Steranko to sign it? (He's my personal fave Captain America Artist) and, second: would you ever consider making them for people here on the board?

Wow! Fantastic work, Fettclone!

"Where do you buy that?" ;)

Thanks for posting the great pics of the buildup and signatures.

(I noticed you've got a Gotham SWAT patch there on your arm. :thumbsup)
Thank for all the compliments, guys. I had a great time building the shield, and an even better one carrying it around. Any Cap artist is fair game, although some fans aren't very happy with Liefeld's stint. :lol

Now I just have to figure out how to get in touch with folks like Joe Simon. The man's over 90 years old and still drawing! It would have been great to get down to NYCC and see him, but my travel budget is (and was) pretty limited. I'd still love to get a sig from the remaining co-creator (sadly too late for Jack Kirby). Stan Lee's run was pretty good, too. If anyone has a contact or idea how to reach them, please let me know. ;)

I am strongly considering doing a very limited run, but I'll put that thread up when the time is right. I'll post up any other versions I make up in the meantime as well.
It looks like my shields will not be offered at this time. I can't touch irishamericanlad's price on his steel shields. No hard feelings there, he's just got a lower bottom line. :cool

I just figured it was fair to get this post up so those of you waiting to buy one still have a chance to get it for a really good price.
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