Captain America TWS (The Winter Soldier

I think it all depends on the story. The comic suit above was what Steve Rogers wore after he was 'killed' during Marvel's civil war and passed the Captain America gauntlet to Bucky. He was no longer 'Captain America', he was just Steve Rogers (super soldier). If this movie is more about Steve Rogers and less Captain America, then I could see him donning a suit like this for more 'personal' pursuits...

Provided he goes back to all Captain America later on, of course.
The only reason this makes sense (to me at least) is that this is going to be more of a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie, and this suit lends to more of an "agent" feel for Cap. But I agree, I don't really like it all that much...
I dig the new suit. But I will say I also liked the Steve Rogers uniform that is now worn by Nick Fury's son.
The only reason this makes sense (to me at least) is that this is going to be more of a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie, and this suit lends to more of an "agent" feel for Cap. But I agree, I don't really like it all that much...

I think you hit the nail on the head there.... as it says in the synopsis that Fury and Black Widow will be majoy parts in the film and Cap has some dealings with the high ranking S.H.I.E.L.D personell.... so I think this being more of a S.H.I.E.L.D type uniform does fit what the story seems to be .... I like it
Need to see a photo of the actual suit.
Good helmet but don't like the exposed ears... hope that will change.
The darker colors are nice.
Prefer the Uncanny Avengers suit, but oh well, could be much worse.

About the movie, Nick Fury cool, Black Widow... had enough of her in Iron Man 2 and the Avengers.
It's kinda growing on me, liking it better than the TA suit, but I'm just not a huge fan of that emblem. I need to see a full shot. Hopefully before it hits production, they'll cover the ears, get some drop leg holsters on him, and have some kind of pattern on the upper back (maybe the leather shoulder straps form a pattern on his back?), and THEN I'll dig this a lot more than the TA suit.
It's starting to grow on me a little bit. One thing I find interesting is that in the concept art, the helmet appears to be two different materials, a hard armor like front, with what looks like a fabric back.
Oh NO! It has been confirmed exposed ears.
The dark blue looks good. With the new chest symbol I get the feeling of the redesigned air force symbol.
It will be nice to get a better photo of the helmet to determine the materials and if they are plates on a hood or detail groves.
Honestly I like the new helmet with nothing covering the ears!
I can't wait to see high resolution pics of the helmet and the suit.

Have you already done some drawings, gathered some ideas of the materials you are using?
Too bad they didn't have the guts to go with the exposed ears in avengers. They almost had a really close representation of the comic style costume there.

Glad it finally happened none the less. Hope it looks good on screen. And if it does it'll be a shame it got abandoned for the last two films.
Have you already done some drawings, gathered some ideas of the materials you are using?

Just some sketches. I have been building a few costumes for people. So this has been on the back burner a bit. And work has been picking up lately which is awesome. A year ago I was just really starting on my Cap outfit. Crazy what else has happened in a year.
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