Captain America Rescue Costume -- Aka my first build ever!

Update time!

I'm almost done with this costume and I'm so so excited.

My jacket came this week and today I picked up my pants and the rest of my goodies from Rick's stand at Renninger's.

So here come the pictures!


First up is my jacket, I know it looks black in this picture but it's just a dark brown. :C Unfortunately it's not exactly the same color that was pictured on the website. Basically this thing looks like a chocolate brown.

Which kinda makes me frustrated because I can't seem to find the proper color in the proper style. (The belt is fully removable by the way) But this is basically the closest I could get. And actually if you look at the official toy/statue the jacket is the same color as the one I have. Also some of the concept drawings/official drawings. Soooo this is gonna have to do because I'm running out of time.


Here's my Paratrooper Pants! They are reproduction, russet brown in color. They'll work till I can get the actual Paratrooper Pants from atthefront


Snagged a pair of blank dog tags, I have a stamping set so I'm gonna make my own set of Steve's dog tags, and I can put the notch in them myself if I feel like it. (This way I don't have to worry about losing my mom's dog tags, even though hers are from the 80s).


Some assorted straps that I'm going to use for holding my shield and on the shield, all sorts of fun stuff that I'll figure out.


Got some pairs of laces, made sure I got extra. So I'll try on my 2R's to see if they actually fit. If not I've got one shot at finding a new pair and that's next week but it's gonna be a close call if I have to.


Now time for my goggles! I'm really happy with these, they cost me only $50 because they're German. Now they aren't identical to the AN 6530's but they're close enough that I can use them.



Ta da!

So I'll be able to use these with my costume till I can get my hands on the AN's.... (which will be half past never at this rate). But I'm going to be keeping them in their tin, inside whenever I'm not using them.

I got done sanding down my shield tonight. It's.... not perfect... and honestly next time I'm going to go and just get the steel shield. But it works and I'm going to paint it tomorrow weather permitting. (Because the shop still smells like bondo all over the freaking place and yeah I really wish I had better ventilation in there but all we have is the ac wall unit. Which works pretty well but it's not that great. Sooo thank god for respirators!)

I'll have pictures of my shield later but here's the rest of the pieces so far. Only thing left is the shield and then it's go time!
Sorry the legging don't fit... you have a great collection of materials going there.

Your jacket should lighten with wear and distressing but if you match the Hot Toy figure.... It should photograph nicely in natural sunlight.
Thanks Fly, yeaahhh I had a feeling that the leggings wouldn't fit, especially when Rick was saying that 2R is a small size.

I'm actually kind of stoked that the jacket matches the figure honestly, hopefully I'll get some good photos of the entire costume.

Now I'm not going to have the paratrooper chin cup or a yokes at all in time. there's just no way. my last shot is going and getting the proper fitting leggings and finishing up this shield.

Which I got the first metallic coat and the white coat on today, I'm going to be starting the taping off tonight and I'll be spraying on the Red and Blue tomorrow. I'll have pics when i'm finally finished with the shield. Maannn it's taking it's good old time.
Update time!

Retro Con Starts This Saturday! And it's down to the final crunch for me!

Thankfully all that's left is to just fiddle with my straps for my shield and get everything put on me then.

So here's the pictures! Got my shield done! Just need to attach straps and D rings to things and figure out how to get it so I can clip my shield to my back.


Here it was when I finished off all the masking on Tuesday.


After all the hard work of painting and repainting and touching up and then having a blast weathering it. Here is the final product! I can officially say it looks like it went through a HYDRA base and back.


And speaking of back, here is the back! :D Did a little weathering on the back side as well to just help with the effect.


Also ordered my leggings from atthefront because couldn't find the size I needed at the shops I went to. These are actually 4Rs to go over my boots. Shelled out the extra money to get them here faster and so in the mail they came today! Finally was able to get them on. So here's the left foot.


And there's the right foot!

Super excited to get all the pieces, I'm going to be testing it out fully tomorrow after fenangling with the clips and things. Any advice on that would be great. I may have to cut up an extra strap in order to get it to work but we'll see.
I have returned from Retrocon!!

I had a blast and everyone loved my costume.

Here's a couple pictures from the con. There actually was professional photography for all the cosplayers that was really reasonably priced so when I get the photos I'll post some of them here so everyone can see them.

So without further ado! (pardon my hair it was getting finicky with me under my helmet, I didn't get a chance to fix it before hand.)



I can't wait to upgrade this costume, I love it so much. And everyone that saw my costume just went nuts for it. I actually got to talk to one of the vendors, he helped me fix my holster and gave me some more suggestions for pouches (Jim -- the vendor-- Collects and sells WWII surplus). And one of the attendees that I met actually helped me out with my helmet a bit and is a WWII Living Historian. And he absolutely loved what I did with my costume. There was another Rescue Cap there and he bought all of his pieces from atthefront and got his jacket commissioned by Dan and also bought and repainted the heather shield, and that was cool, like his was freaking awesome. I really wish I could've done that. But after talking to a lot of people at the con and a lot of cosplayers at the con, I'm glad I didn't shell out all the cash for all the "proper" pieces right now. Cause I have heard from some of the people at the con and some of the other cosplayers that they honestly liked mine better because I had vintage items and because I had to find and put it all together.

And everyone went NUTS for my shield! Like everybody literally wondered how in the hell I did my shield and how I got the textures on it. And I literally had people's jaws drop when they heard it was my first convention and that this was my very first build. I couldn't be happier with this costume and I'm so so glad that I got this done in time and thank you everybody for all your help this has been an amazing ride!

But don't worry, this sooo isn't done yet. Lol, I'll keep updating this as I update my costume. Next stop, Winter Soldier for Philly Next year! :D Let's hope and pray I can get it done in time!
Thanks guys! I also have a much better picture (Professional photos are still on the way) taken by a con goer at Retrocon. I did talk to her and she gave me permission to use it however I see fit, so here it is :D


Thanks again guys, I'm so so glad this came out so great.
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