Cap shield upgrade suggestions?


New Member

So I bought myself a fairly good looking shield, not too expensive and of course the colouring isn’t a perfect match for the films. As it isn’t too expensive I was wondering is there something I can do to dull the chrome look and perhaps weather / battle damage it a bit so that it looks more like the one in the films? Looking to put it on my sons wall after Halloween. You can also recommend shield sellers for a more accurate one but gonna use this one for Halloween anyway.

Sorry if there was a similar thread, didn’t find one though with a quick search. All tips are appreciated!



Just adding that I won’t have the time or a place to do a new paint coat for it. Perhaps later though!
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You can try a green scotchbrite pad on it, obviously don't hit the paint.

Where did you get the shield, and what's the diameter, if I may ask?
You can try a green scotchbrite pad on it, obviously don't hit the paint.

Where did you get the shield, and what's the diameter, if I may ask?
True, thanks! Might try that! I’d go and repaint it but don’t have the time and much expertise in doing props like this. Have done some small scale builds and custom colllectibles out of toys etc though. Gonna buy one that is closer to the movie replica if I ever find one that is reasonably priced.

This one is off eBay, looked to be pretty close to what sellers on Etsy are offering but pricing way higher so I went with the eBay (100€-ish). Like I said, colours are way off from the movie shield but don’t want to use 1000€ for a prop. Size is 24inch.

For the costume I’m obviously going WSL, Endgame suit. Won’t be wearing a helmet, might buy one later though. It’ll be a cross of Infinity War / Endgame looks.
Before you take an abrasive to it, perhaps try spraying it with some "flat" clear spray paint.

That would at least take the shine down. If it winds up too flat, then try a semi-gloss clear.
Before you take an abrasive to it, perhaps try spraying it with some "flat" clear spray paint.

That would at least take the shine down. If it winds up too flat, then try a semi-gloss clear.
Thanks! Was thinking of doing this myself. Any suggestions on what brands to use / avoid?
