Can't find the old Polanski thread...

Regardless of the merits of the case, you have to get to the reason for the refusal, and that boils down to the Swiss courts asking for paperwork they said would show if he served his sentence already (I hear they have reason to suspect a closed door negotiated or conditional deal was made, but reneged upon) the US courts flat out refused to abide to the request of the Swiss courts... The is nothing new as multiple US courts/judges over the years have also speculated that a backdoor deal was reneged upon and other misconduct by the judge...

Is it really surprising that the Swiss court returned the favor of snubbing their noses at the US court that fails to offer the paperwork they requested? It's a "I'll help you wash your hands if you help me wash mine." mentality that is used by most International negotiations... But, I have a strong feeling the 'sealed' paperwork is damning to their case, probably says exactly what is speculated that he served his negotiated deal and the Judge reneged upon it...

The US isn't any different there are TONS of people in the US that the US won't extradite just because a foreign court says so...
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exo, I'd say you're about right. Maybe there are even still some chafed feelings about the US refusal to subscribe to the international court, too.

It still burns like hell that a child rapist goes unpunished. Indeed, lauded.
I'm going to see The Ghost Writer next week, I'll probably watch Lethal Weapon 2 again this year, and don't get me started on all the Disney stuff I watched as a child... does that make me a bad person?
Gotta love how Mel Gibson is being raked over the coals in every media outlet, and angry mobs with torches and pitchforks calling for a Hollywood boycott of his acting & directing career, while no doubt there are "FREE ROMAN!" parties happening all over Tinseltown celebrating Polanski's release from Swiss captivity... :sick Where's that damn vomit smiley??? :angry

For me, the name Roman Polanski presses such an odd combination of buttons. First, the poor b*****d's wife and unborn child are stabbed to death by cultist lunatics. 'Here, RP, you can cry on my shoulder'. Then he rapes a young girl. 'Get away from me, you sick ****!'
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It still burns like hell that a child rapist goes unpunished. Indeed, lauded.

That is the question the Swiss courts wanted answered by the 'sealed' paperwork, he plead guilty under a plea deal, he was sent to prison for a 90 day evaluation, they released him after 42 days and it was rumored that he was only supposed to have only got probation if he successfully completed the evaluation as he did... But right before sentencing there are claims the Judge told his lawyer behind closed doors that he was going to reneged on the negotiated plea deal and send him back to prison/deport...

He has since settled with his victim and she has filed a formal request to drop all charges against him...

To say he has gone unpunished is a little bit of an exaggeration, he did spend 42 days in jail and was released (and that is the rumored sentence that was negotiated for his plea deal), has lived in exile for all these years and just spent the last several months on house arrest... He also settled with his victim for a substantial amount of money...

Here is a link to the code he plead guilty to... California Penal Code Section 261.5 - California Attorney Resources - California Laws notice the MAXIMUM sentence is only one year... He was sentenced to 90 days, honestly probably a very consistent sentencing time when the maximum is only 360 days... He served 42 and was released...

He certainly ISN'T a saint, but the Swiss courts stated they believed he already served his negotiated sentence under the plea deal when he did the 42 day stint... When they asked for verification of the plea deal the US denied the request... The real question is why did the US refuse to provide said paperwork?
hopefully the penalty for getting a 13 year old drunk or drugged and having sex with them is more than a year....
hopefully the penalty for getting a 13 year old drunk or drugged and having sex with them is more than a year....

In this case no...

If he was convicted of all 6 charges he probably would have got more, but instead a plea deal was given and he plead guilty to a single account of Unlawful Sexual Intercourse in exchange for the other 5 charges being dropped... What he plead guilty to has a maximum sentence of one year...

California Penal Code Section 261.5 - California Attorney Resources - California Laws
In this case no...

If he was convicted of all 6 charges he probably would have got more, but instead a plea deal was given and he plead guilty to a single account of Unlawful Sexual Intercourse in exchange for the other 5 charges being dropped... What he plead guilty to has a maximum sentence of one year...

California Penal Code Section 261.5 - California Attorney Resources - California Laws

Quit using reasoned logic and facts to ruin everyone's morally indignant witch-hunt you ****ing liberal!
Morally indignant witch hunt??? He Drugged, Raped, and Sodomized a 13yo, and she wasn't so drugged she didn't know what was being done to her either. If you are in the Let him go camp, fine, since that's what the victim has requested, but if you are in the that was 30+ years ago who cares, all sins forgiven camp, I hope you don't have kids of your own. He's a frakking pedophile, now he'd still be considered a class 3 sex offender, and would have to register and notifications sent out to whatever neighborhood he was living in.
Quit using reasoned logic and facts to ruin everyone's morally indignant witch-hunt you ****ing liberal!

I don't give a rat's butt what he pled to, i care about what he did....

I'm sure the reason for the plea deal, anyhow, was that they knew he'd appeal and fight for years before anything would be done.
I don't give a rat's butt what he pled to, i care about what he did....

What you care about and what the legal system cares about are not always the same in the US, it's innocent until proven guilty by a court of law... When the courts drop charges you are deemed innocent of the crime, simply the way it works... The court found him guilty of just one crime a crime that carried a maximum sentence of one year, the probation and sentencing board assigned to the case recommended to the judge that he be given only probation no jail time... The judge rulled against the boards and gave him 90 days behind bars with psychiatric evaluation because he could not appeal the psychiatric evaluation... The prison let him out after 42 days with time served... At that point there are strong rumors that the Judge started to play games and break policy, and that is when everything went to hell...

Agree or disagree for what ever reason that is the foundation of the US legal system, he is innocent under law for most of the charges...
Yeah, well, he can still live in exile and not set one of his filthy Child-Raping feet in our country, how about that? Maybe Rosie O'donell can let him babysit for her...or is it him, I forget.