But thought this should be noted:
US vows continued pursuit of Roman Polanski (AP) - Yahoo! Movies
US vows continued pursuit of Roman Polanski (AP) - Yahoo! Movies
It still burns like hell that a child rapist goes unpunished. Indeed, lauded.
hopefully the penalty for getting a 13 year old drunk or drugged and having sex with them is more than a year....
In this case no...
If he was convicted of all 6 charges he probably would have got more, but instead a plea deal was given and he plead guilty to a single account of Unlawful Sexual Intercourse in exchange for the other 5 charges being dropped... What he plead guilty to has a maximum sentence of one year...
California Penal Code Section 261.5 - California Attorney Resources - California Laws
Quit using reasoned logic and facts to ruin everyone's morally indignant witch-hunt you ****ing liberal!
I don't give a rat's butt what he pled to, i care about what he did....
Maybe Rosie O'donell can let him babysit for her...or is it him, I forget.