The Ring Movies (US & Japan)


Master Member
Hi all, I didn't find a paper props thread for these movies, so I thought I'd start one.

This is my attempt at a decent quality and properly adjusted group photo from the first US movie:


This should be printed on 6" x 4" photo stock.
I composited this from direct captures of four different scenes in the movie, so that explains why some elements are sharp and others are blurry. I think that adds to the weirdness of the photo, and most people won't notice. Couldn't find anything better out there, but if anyone has it, please share!

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And here's a second paper prop from the same movie, this being the printout of the two screen captures Rachel makes when she discovers the hidden imagery on the videocassette:


The top photo is once again a composite from three different images (2 from the movie, one from the actual prop).

This should be printed at dimensions of 5.25" wide x 8.75". I printed mine at landscape orientation, so that the rolling of the printer gave the photo the same natural bending as seen in the movie:

The Ring.mkv_snapshot_00.42.15_[2024.10.03_21.12.39].jpg

I just accentuated the bends for accuracy:


Also, I found a type of "thin" satin one-sided photo paper on Amazon that really seemed to have the same "feel" as that thermal paper like you find in a fax machine. It came out quite convincing!

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And for third, here is the "COPY" sticker that goes on the side of the blank tape in the film onto which Rachel made a copy of Samara's haunted recording:


(The first tape in the film is just a plain black unlabeled tape, pretty much impossible to tell the make and model, and so easy to replicate if there are no shiny logos on it!)

The label should be sized to 1-1/2" x 3/4", and printed at 600 dpi resolution. I cut mine with a Cricut.

The proper blank tape, by the way, is a TDK AQ T-160 VHS cassette. You can see the box that Rachel uses, and also as it slides into the machine:

The Ring.mkv_snapshot_00.32.16_[2024.10.03_21.30.07].jpg The Ring.mkv_snapshot_00.33.38_[2024.10.07_14.10.31].jpg The Ring.mkv_snapshot_01.45.21_[2024.10.03_21.18.01].jpg

This is what it looks like after the label is printed to size on sticker paper, cut to size, and stuck on the correct tape:

PXL_20241008_035148806.jpg PXL_20241008_035205054.jpg

Collection of The Ring prop replicas from this thread:


It's cheap! If you're a fan of the film, make your own!
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