Can somebody identify these classic Hollywood actors?

Quick comparison of another pic at similar angle shows it is definately Curtis.
Look at the cheeks,nose,ear,eyes and eyebrows

The picture is a behind the scenes photo from Back to the future, it is inside Lorraine's room in 1955.

What is the context of the pictures?

Considering this is supposed to be Lorraine's "heartthrobs" (as already mentioned) I'm convinced it's Curtis. Why would she want a picture of Raymond Burr? :lol

Could the woman simply be a fictional character? Maybe Lorrainne's Mother?

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The woman might be the actresses real grandma. Actors sometimes do that.

Yeah, Curtis was a big teen heartthrob.
When I saw the picture I immediately thought "Raymond Burr". But the hairline says Tony Curtis, while the girth is what told me Burr. And then there is that really bad photoshop looking halo around the head.
Lorraine likes Tony but with a bit more heft so she glued his head onto a larger man. :)
You're all wrong. it's Clam Treadwell, Bolt Upright and Heywanna Gowoutanite.
The woman looks like the Black Dalia pic to me.
Not the Black Dalia, it woulnt make sense, then to teen hearththrobs, a person from a horrific murder?

This a 1955 teenagers inspiration board with things she likes. You can fake the lower corner photo at a photobooth. The upper left photo might be something along the line of Lorraine and her brothers as kids, the post card you can probably find very similar ones on ebay.
Not the Black Dahlia. Google her. She didn't live long enough to look that old. The picture looks like a million other portrait photos from the 40s.
Strange, though, that they used that particular print of Curtis. Why would Lorraine have a studio proof marked up with retouching instructions?
Tony and Rock and not the Black Dahlia ;) I'm with Treadwell on that Curtis pic...why, oh why, having that studio proof?