can anyone ID this phaser kit?

uscm buzz

Well-Known Member
I recieved a Wrath of Kahn/STTMP style phaser kit from a friend he has had it in a box for a long time.. I did some putty work to it. and just set it together for the pics.. it is not assembled and the controls are a seperate piece..I will post a pic of the parts laid out also.. when I get a chance.. yall all like challenges.. just wandereing if anybody knows.. thanks.

whatever it is it's totally wrong but interesting looking all the same time - could be a warp/reshape kit from the uk.

Originally posted by uscm buzz@Mar 9 2006, 09:56 AM
I recieved a Wrath of Kahn/STTMP style phaser kit from a friend he has had it in a box for a long time.. I did some putty work to it. and just set it together for the pics.. it is not assembled and the controls are a seperate piece..I will post a pic of the parts laid out also.. when I get a chance.. yall all like challenges.. just wandereing if anybody knows.. thanks.


Almost looks like it's been derived from the old Wakal phaser... shape of phaser body and dilithium crystal is similar. Handle's reworked, keypad thingy added ... :confused
Yea since I..was thinking of adding some electronics.. like red leds in the emmiter.. I wanted to replace the controls with a sticker.. but I kinda want to keep the intergritty of the original piece yknow so I can take pics and if we figure out what it is.. say oh heres a phaser made by whoever.. If I change it.. then whats the point.. It makes sense to me. anyway..and you gotta admit.. some of these phasers are different.. he is a pic of the parts.. I would replace the rear dome with clear and make it light also..

I don't know which phaser this is, but it is my understanding that there is several variants. This may be an accurate representation, but for which, who knows.