Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) COMPLETED!!!!!

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

so question for everyone.....

when ONE END made his Boba Fett costume for his son, he mad a concoction of elmer's glue, water and caulking. He used it as a base coat over the camping mat foam.

My question... how do you make this stuff? Any guesses? Anyone made something similar?

I want someone to give me advice on mixing, portions, consistency.. etc

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Moj! Have you thought of a thin coat of epoxy resin on the foam to form an outer shell so you can paint it? I don't know if epoxy resin would it away at the foam I wouldn't think so since most of the Iron Man pep helmets are getting covered the same way. Also don't know how much heavier the pieces will become. Not too heavy I wouldn't think!
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

I already bought caulking and enough elmer's glue to drown a moose....
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Try a 1:1 mixture and test on scrap foam. I think it is going to be "hit or miss and hit again" technique to achieve a nice seal on the foam. I think from the Boba Fett build the paint was soaked into the foam like a sponge several times to achieve a darker color.
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

The fun foam method seems to be the best. Add a layer of that to the foam mat piece and you probably wouldn't have to paint. You could even round the edges of the foam mat pieces and wrap the fun foam around the edges to get a nice look to it.
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

ugh, I am done foaming ... time to paint and be done with this monster

Costume Pants
My wife sewed it up and added a black waistband.


Costume Shirt
We bought a white turtle neck from Wal-Mart ($3) and then bought a black men's t-shirt from the cheap t-shirt store to use as our yardage. We then got some one inch upholstery pipping from Joanne's. My wife then made "pockets" for the pipping in the black shirt yardage and shoved the pipping it to make the accordion style waist that Buzz has.

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Costume Hood
So the last T-shirt we bought (we got 3 colors for $10) from the cheap T-shirt store was purple. This is for the hood.


Putting all the elements together after a full day of sewing.... priceless...


The jet pack is killing me...
Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Chest Plate

The next parts to making this happen were:

-gluing the fun foam cover to the camping mat
-cutting out the purple under armor straps (fun foam)
-cutting out a white under armor base that the green chest plate will sit on (fun foam)
-measuring the spaces reserved for the decals and printing them out on sticker paper


Nothing is glued down in this picture, it was just us "eye balling" what we had so far.

So now the question is.. what can I make with the scrap from this nifty Purple t-shirt?

ladies avert your eyes


And I think I was shooting for an "Incredible Hulk" pose

oh and did I mention I hate the freakin jet pack?
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Costume Shirt
For the two shoulder emblems we printed them out on iron-on transfer paper

NOTE: remember to print them out in reverse (we forgot one time) and second, your transfer has to be super flat. Tiny sleeves have tiny seems and creases that will ruin the transfer. Another option is ironing on the transfer to some scrap white fabric and then making "patches" to adhere to the sleeves. (we tried transfer paper from HP and Avery and we liked Avery better)

After ironing the emblems on the sleeves we attached strips of velcro to the front and back to hold the armor.

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Like how this is coming along. Those iron-on transfers for the triceps came out pretty good. Have you figured out what you are going to do for the glove/gauntlets yet?

Suggestion: Cut out a section in the green chest plate for the "Space Ranger" Wings logo, so it sits lower, or directly on the white backing. Also, have you thought about using foam board for the jet pack? it would be a bit more rigid, cut sharper lines, and has a smooth face finish...
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

now you tell me! Foam board would have been perfect.... gah

Jet Pack

I made a concoction of elmer's glue, caulk and water to "wash" over the entire pack to cover up discrepancies, and fill in a lot of the softness of the foam. In other words to make a "hard shell" exterior, or a "glue primer" so that I can get ready to paint it. The mixture feels like thick water, if I were to do it again, I might use less water. My advice is dump all the elmer's glue in and mix in a small amount of water until you get it how you want it, and then start adding your caulk, as it thickens keep adding water until it's a fluid paste. I ended up going back over it several times to fill all the holes in the foam. Sometimes I used straight caulking for rough patches, other times I sprayed spray paint or clear coat on it, just to give it a second surface and then I went back over it again with the glue wash.

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Jet Pack
Starting to add some color



Chest Plate
Glued everything down and added the white background to the "space ranger" logo. The more I touch the white, the more dirtier it gets, it makes me worry about lasting all the way until Halloween.


Now we need to affix the velcro straps to the back of the armor so it lines up with the shirt.
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Jet Pack

For the purple parts it was easier to paint the top "triangle" and to cut the bottom "oval" out of the fun foam. There has been a lot of bleed over from the two bright colors so another coat of white is in order for touch ups.


Here is a test-fitting to give you an idea of the scale - it's much larger than the store bought/halloween backpacks.


The Jet exhaust and danger "engines" on the left and right are being designed and will be put on as applications as well as the fan wheel.
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Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

I found these plastic cups, and since it's a hard surface that could take a drilled hole and perhaps some "hidden gear" anybody got an idea for making a small red light or the lazer?

Re: Buzz Lightyear (2 year old) costume build -PROGRESS PICS

Jet Pack

My wife and I found the Jet Pack labels at the RPF (I wish I knew who to credit) and then she "designed" the exhaust ports with Photoshop.


She had some extra room so she made a label for his Halloween bucket.

Which has then inspired me to make another prop....

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