Building the SS Death Star Turbolaser

Finally, I scratchbuilt the mystery part and Now, I'm satisfied...
From now on, I will prepare to painting on the Turbo Laser.

Can someone help me for a part of Tamiya 1/12 312B?
The part was from 312B in the last pic and although I have the kit, the part was just lost~!:cry
As you know, the kit is very expensive and can't buy the kit for only one part.
Please let me know, if you can provide the part or casting?

Thanks Eric.

Can someone help me for a part of Tamiya 1/12 312B?
The part was from 312B in the last pic and although I have the kit, the part was just lost~!:cry
As you know, the kit is very expensive and can't buy the kit for only one part.
Please let me know, if you can provide the part or casting?

Thanks Eric.
Hi Eric,

If you can wait until after this weekend, I'll have a go at casting it for you. I need a casting for a group build of this thing (here in Perth), so I may as well do it now rather than later.

You have been an inspiration and awesome source of help with your build(s), so here's something back.....:)

Hey Eric: I've got two 312Bs, I believe - let me check it out tonight. I think it's because I'm doing a whole two sided ESB at-st (eventually) and will have a few hundred spare parts :)

I'll let you know.

John: I really could use one part for the turbolaser, if you don't mind sharing a casting. One or two of those kits is nearly impossible to find.

I can't figure out which part(s) might be from a 1/24 stug IV because they don't seem to exist...
Hi John & Scott,

Thank you very much for your help :)

Actually, I would like to finish my Turbo Laser ASAP...and prefer to use the original kit part, if possible.

So...Can I contact Scott first? if you don't mind....
Thanks again John...

thanks Eric.

It took a while but I found the part. PM me to exchange info.

John: I've got all the kits except bandai stug and matilda. If you'd like any parts to cast, let me know. Maybe we can exchange some parts so I can get some castings of things I need?
I'll take a look as well. I have a few incomplete kits acquired for an abandoned 32" MF project, and I think that is among them.
Eric, no problems. As I said, I'll be casting anyway. I have only one 312B....and too many things to make from it :lol

Scott, I have the 1/15 Stug, but not a 1/24th :unsure, I didn't know they made one of them. and I don't have a 1/48 matilda either (yet) :cry


looked, I have two or three sprues that are what I think are the 1/12 (lots of corresponding parts with the 1/20), but I didn't see that part.
Eric: I received the PM and gave you a couple of options. If you want the part, please get back to me. To sum it up: I can send it in an envelope or probably put it in business mail if you are in Seoul.
Ah yes, that's a new part added by Eric. I've wondered what it is too. What was your guess? :)

It's hard to ID it since there are very few good pics of the details of the piece.
Yes, I can see that now that I've dug out a bandai hummel. But I don't see the flat, treadless strip on the outside edge on the hummel piece. Maybe they added a strip of sheet styrene along that edge?

Also, the part seems thicker in the prop pics. Eric's piece is the same color as the panther engine deck pieces. So, I'm not quite sure what to think.

Here's a pic of the prop area for reference.
Thank you very much for your kind word :)

I don't primed it yet...just added the ladder parts on the Turbo laser lately.

All modelers in this forum,

I would like to ask your opinion in order to get the accurated painting.
Can you give any idea for the paint? :confused

thanks Eric.
All modelers in this forum,

I would like to ask your opinion in order to get the accurated painting.
Can you give any idea for the paint? :confused

thanks Eric.

I would do this:

#1 Grey Tamiya primer.
#2 Black acrylic wash (black acrylic paint with blue crystal cleaner, mixed).
#3 Black acrylic mixed with water, or the same above, but just applied on a few zones (as seen in the pics).
#4 (And last) Rust coloured pastel mixed with water for the rust touches.
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