Building the SS Death Star Turbolaser

Thanks my friends~!:)

Hey Scott,

The recoil unit is used Tamiya 1/25 Pershing but I believe you will get the same effect, if you use anything of Tamiya recoil unit.

thanks Eric.
Looks awesome Eric!

I see you found a part on the lower part of the turret. It's such an unusual shape. I thought that part would be very hard to find.
Thanks to your pic, I found the part. I thought it was AMT from the white color. Fruehauf Tanker: the tire rack that goes under the tank. At least I hope that's it.
Thanks to your pic, I found the part. I thought it was AMT from the white color. Fruehauf Tanker: the tire rack that goes under the tank. At least I hope that's it.

Holy s___! The scale of this thing! Looking at the Fruehauf part puts things into perspective for me! Impressive!

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