Bttf III Walkie Talkie Battery Label


Sr Member
has anyone replicated this label as a free paper prop?

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Member DB537 made it. He posted a picture of it on yourprops, but it isn't usable. I would contact him about it.
I just saw this post today. Another member shared the file with me.
It was made from an original scan. I don't know if I can post it here.
If there's some interest, I could create that label and post it as a free file.
yes pleeeeeeease Roland..I started making it as I've recently got an Archer Space Patrol walkie talkie and wanted to recreate the bttf 3 one with the dry cell battery on :)

- - - Updated - - -

The images of the label aren't on that thread Emma (or if they are I can't find them)
Here is the Burgess Battery Label for the Walkie-Talkie. Gary Weaver shared this scan with me a couple of years ago and I'm reposting here with his permission. I did clean up the scan a bit and retype some of the text using the correct fonts, being careful to keep it as screen accurate as possible.

View attachment Burgess Battery Label.pdf