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Jason Eaton » Blog Archive » Blue One – the very first X-Wing fighter
Nobody likes a show off.......:lol She is a stunner Jason, i know how long you have been at this, its really paid off, superb.

I have 2 fav X-Wings. Red 4 of course, and Blue one. I already told you that you achieved an awesome build and paintjob, but once again I can tell you it's one of the best, if not the best, X-Wing Ive seen so far. And this one is really hard to nail because of the very subtle weathering which is a tough one to achieve on a so bright and whitish base color.

Great job J !!
Thanks guys! I am super humbled... it's been an on and off deal for, oh, half a year, easy, lol!

Of course, once I heard Lorne Peterson was gonna be at WF, a fire was lit under my butt and in my brain!! NO PRESSURE, JASON!!!
OMFG!!! ........excellent workmanship man. Those decals really do look fantastic. I only hope I can do half as good a job on my x builds.
Beautiful bird! Absolutely love the paint job.

However, it all looks strangely..........................familiar.......................:thumbsup
...and he nails the finish, folks. I still remember the first pics you posted after you'd shaved off all the surface chips and mounting point covers and have been anticipating every progress update since.

A few more days and I'll have the privilege of seeing it in person. Great build, Jason.
I think we all need to see you slinging it over your left shoulder like the McCune pic.

It's a must. Also you need a beard to match. Blue One already matches.

Looking spot on... and I'd like to second Julien's remark about this being a prime example of light weathering. Way to go Jason. If there was a model equivalent of facial recognition software you would totally fool the machines.

I think it's about time I paid for those decals.
Haha, it just needs to get bushier - then I'll sling 'er good.

Drinkin' with dear 'ol Ma yesterday:

Oh nice coming along... browsin on the mobile didn't even see yer beard there.

Can't wait to see BLUE.
Thanks for including the background history of the Blue One on your site; I love reading details about the models. I also like your creative solution to replicating the stain around the canopy with watercolors. Did the surface require any special treatment for the watercolors?

I kept flipping back and forth between your Blue One and the Blue One on the Cd that came with you decals, and you really captured the look of that x-wing. Very cool work!

Finally, great Mother's day picture. :thumbsup

Beautiful!. Another magnificent masterpiece from the Jason Eaton stable.
I think it is the most attractive X-Wing Iv'e seen yet!.
Well done!.