Blade Runner police officer thread

phase pistol

Master Member
This didn't quite fit into either the gun thread or the ID card thread, so I started this one up.

Just to organize the "external" police accoutrements, the badge, "995" pin, cap and so forth.

These are the best screencaps I had in my files



Those are some of the clearest images in the film of the police accessories.
Real castings for the hat and 995 badge can be found around online.

The hat hadge is actually curved if I remember right.

I've got the 995 badge but I'd love to get ahold of the shield.I hope someone makes that one.Thanks :cheers :thumbsup
<div class='quotetop'>(darthsnikelfritz @ Aug 30 2006, 09:10 PM) [snapback]1310365[/snapback]</div>
The picture badge looks like a modified belt buckle? Here is something close i have found.


Somebody here on RPF mentioned that it looked like a buckle (before the Wondercon photos) and I did this up based on buckles I found on the web. They actually have buckles that will use your photo.

No they can't.

If you are referring to 'Sidkit' and various others then look at the images.

Completely different.

I'm perfectly willing to be proven wrong though. :)

<div class='quotetop'>(nick daring @ Aug 31 2006, 03:34 AM) [snapback]1310309[/snapback]</div>
Real castings for the hat and 995 badge can be found around online.

The hat hadge is actually curved if I remember right.

What kind of police hat did they use?
I've had a look for the right shaped hat with a rain cover but I can't find one.
It would be really easy to vac form the goggles and face shield...

<div class='quotetop'>(phase pistol @ Aug 31 2006, 01:17 PM) [snapback]1310368[/snapback]</div>
That black and white photo makes the cop look really robotic - almost like the officers in THX-1138.[/b]
Speaking of which: take another look at that very first shot you posted:

The guy looks as if he's got a mannequin face. Like Charlie Evans got pissed off at him and erased his features. :p

<div class='quotetop'>(nick daring @ Aug 31 2006, 11:34 AM) [snapback]1310309[/snapback]</div>
Real castings for the hat and 995 badge can be found around online.[/b]
What do you mean by "real," Nick? Do you mean cast from screen- or production-used badges?

<div class='quotetop'>(Blad @ Aug 31 2006, 09:50 AM) [snapback]1310258[/snapback]</div>
Nearly finished.[/b]
Looking good, Blad. Can hardly wait to see the finished pieces. :thumbsup
Am I imagining that the officers in black have silver badges, while the officers in brown leather have gold badges?

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Wow, thanks for sharing that pic. :D

Very hard to correct that tho, very dark and color shifted... but here's what I could do.

I know it probably belongs in the other thread, but notice it seems as if at least two of those three cops have blasters with amber, not black grips...
Hard to see what's going on in there... but the leftmost cop has definitely got an all-black buttplate on that thing...


- k
I'd like to know if anyone knows about a guy who has a thread about casting a copy of the shield in alumimun.I'd like to know if he is planning on putting them up for sale on The Junkyard.I'd sign up for one.Thanks :cheers :thumbsup