Blade Runner headgear projects

Mr Webber

Master Member
Put these together a while ago and thought they would be good to share.
The Gaff helmet is made from the same ANH-15 flight helmet and R-14 radio recievers as used in the movie, the rest came from the shed, please forgive the face artwork.

The street cop headpiece uses the same shoulder pads from a vintage sinisalo moto cross vest for the ear covers as used in the movie. The hat is an old postal service one and although small, has the right shape, the rest including the visor, were all scatch made. Currently putting the rest of the street cop costume together and hoping the finished article will be as sinister as the original.

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Heres where im at with the rest of the street cop uniform, all the hard to find parts are there such as the casio calculators.
With the help from some of the fine people at Propsummit, i had the set of patches on the uniform replicated and couldnt be happier with the finished result.
Now its justdown to finding the right person to put the clothing together and to find the right look, not easy.

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