black eyes for a V mask?


Master Member
ok... so i am a little slow.

i just noticed that you never see V's eyes in the movie, but in every creepy pic on the internet of the other masks, some goober is wearing it and staring at you all creepy like.

so.... for those of you who went as V for halloween or dragoncon, what did you use for the eyes to "black" them out?

chiffon...taped from the inside of the mask

You're not slow Chris

I got like a few swatches for free from Hancock Fabrics. Covered the eyes and mouth.
Well, at one point you get a good close-up of the mouth portion of the mask and they definitely used screen for the mouth.
from experience with my V mask, I can tell you that your eyes sit so close to the eyelets, that if you use metal screen, when you take off the mask, your face will be covered in blood, cuz they will rub up against the screen. The chiffon does the trick and is finer, softer, and it gives the look of being totally blacked out.
In the movie, they say, something to the extent of "he had no eye, but I could tell he was looking at me"

I think they were pretty much jacked up, and the mask itself never had a covering over the eyes, they chiffon gives you that look a little more
in the movie, the only time you see "through the eyes" of the mask is when the camera has that FX shot of v putting it on. its pretty obvious theres a screen or something in there in the rest of the film as there is a matte coloring to the inside of his eyes even in full light.

i didnt frame by frame the scene of v smashing his mask into the mirror, so i dunno if its in there.

im gonna try that chiffon idea. appreciate the help :D
