Bilbo Baggins Buttons Build


Active Member
I'm making a Bilbo costume for a friend, so naturally we need some lovely acorn buttons. They're on both the coat and the vest, so we'll need 10 total. Fortunately for us, Weta sells 5 packs!


Aren't they lovely? They're only $45. Per set of five, of which we'd need two. Plus shipping from New Zealand, and they're back-ordered til December.


I have a bunch of Rebound 25 and Smooth-Cast 320 lying around from another project, so I molded a button out of plasticene clay and made an itty bitty mold.


The loops on the back to sew them onto the vest and jacket are just jump rings. I used a toothpick to suspend them over the resin so they're all uniform depth.

More pics later, once I have a chance to clean them up and paint them!
That's cool love the Lego mother mold idea I don't know why I haven't seen that before good idea. Interested to see the paint job.:popcorn
It ruins the legos for anything else, really, because now they have resin all over them, but it works really well! With how goopy the Rebound 25 is, I didn't even need to seal up the edges at the bottom where it meets the tile I used as a base.

All finished! I was wary of aging them, since I've never done anything like it, but I think they came out really well. I just dry-brushed some gold paint mixed with a tad of black, then wiped it off with a paper towel.
Thank you very much! I can't wait to see them on the costume. I also got fabric for the neckerchief custom printed on Spoonflower, I'll post some pictures when I can.
Great work, i made myself a couple of button a few months ago...
This one i tried to add metalpowder to
Ooh, nice! Did you cast yours too?

I've been interested in metal powder and tints, just don't have the money to get into it right now.