Biker Scout Show off thread! Post up!


Well-Known Member
Lets see them! Bikers from ROTJ.

Ill start this show

MC armor MLC V3 Lid With a V1 lid as well.
Voted Lancer on the BSN... Proud of this one. Now for the speeder bike huh.:lol



My bell slid a little in this one...
Looking good there buddy, still waitin on those spedder bike pics though...... :thumbsup

In that second pic, are you on ewok look out duties or tree spotting? :lol
I envy you guys :(

Biker Scouts > All

But whenever I tell a member of the UK Garrison this, they protest and tell me that the Scouts wear nappies.
Looking good there. That has to be a MLC helmet as well... a V1? I'm gonna scream girlishly if I'm wrong, so don't make me do that.

Looking very fab there! :thumbsup
Looking good there. That has to be a MLC helmet as well... a V1? I'm gonna scream girlishly if I'm wrong, so don't make me do that.

Looking very fab there! :thumbsup

Looking Great! Keep them coming!

Looks like a V1... Armor from SC? Man almost Lancer from what I see...
Yes, you don't have to scream like a girl...that is an MLC v.1...Most of my armor parts are SC, except for my chest, back, and tank; which are MC.

As far as Lancer status on, I'm still trying to get the suede patches on the inner thighs before I can apply for the Lancer post, however, I've got the suede patches, but don't have any sewing ability.:unsure
As far as Lancer status on, I'm still trying to get the suede patches on the inner thighs before I can apply for the Lancer post, however, I've got the suede patches, but don't have any sewing ability.:unsure

Cool, Ill be looking for your app! Looking good Scout!