Big Boy Enterprise

Thanks guys. Hope to have the saucer in rubber in 2 weeks. Finger crossed. :D

OH, and make sure you have room. The finished model is 8.5 feet long and 4 feet wide!!!
George :cool
I'll make room for this kit. Though I'd have to reinforce it's support structure in a few key areas. "Keeping an eye out for when you're ready to offer it as a kit".

As to my wife, she'll forgive my purchase- After the fact.

---Support structure being where I'll put the final model.---
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Hi Brian. There is only the current buyers list. If you want more details please email me.
REL, got your 10. Will drop them off at WF. :D
The original ILM model have a few uneven lines, if look in HD fotos, in the edge of the saucer section.

I supõe these line were extremelly dificult to engrave.
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