Big Boy Enterprise

You're killing me....

That impulse deck is just wonderful! I can't even begin to imagine how different this is going to look compared to all the 1:350's i've built....

Amazing stuff...truly.

Been crazy buisy with my real job. Finally got some more done. I am including vinyl masks. I figure you want the ultimate, I'll give you the ultimate. :love
George :)
I saw this model on another site when I was researching. It is a wonder! :) An 8ft. Enterprise would be a dream come true for me, but I know it is out of my budget. Do you have a lay-a-way plan?!? If I win the lottery, I'll be PMing you. I'm subscribing, anyway. I never miss an oportunity to learn something new. :)
Technical question: As big as this sucker is, will the azteking be the same as if it were a smaller scale model, or does it need to be done differently to accomodate the larger scale. (And I don't mean, will the panels be bigger... that is obvious.) I guess I am asking if they will still be painted on, or will you actually scribe them into the hull? Thank-you! :)
It is made just like the filming miniature, YOU paint the aztec pattern on. And don't forget it was repainted after EVERY movie.
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