Better off Ted

Art Andrews

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Just caught both seasons on Netflix and I have just one question... how did this show get canned while a snorefest like the Office or self-indulgent drivel (sorry Tina Fey... you just aren't that funny) like 30 Rock just go on and on? Within a single episode I liked all the characters from Ted and the show was hilariously funny! The commercials reminded me of Robocop and Starship Troopers and there just seemed to be nothing to complain about. So what is it people see in other corporation centered shows that they didn't see in this one?
Great show. Another in a long line of "better than 90% of the crap out there" gets canceled again.

And people are stupid and like stupid ****.
My thought is the corporate life portrayed in that show hit a little too close to home for the sponsors.
Just caught both seasons on Netflix and I have just one question... how did this show get canned while a snorefest like the Office or self-indulgent drivel (sorry Tina Fey... you just aren't that funny) like 30 Rock just go on and on? Within a single episode I liked all the characters from Ted and the show was hilariously funny! The commercials reminded me of Robocop and Starship Troopers and there just seemed to be nothing to complain about. So what is it people see in other corporation centered shows that they didn't see in this one?

Network support. Timeslot. Etc.

I watched the show because I saw an ad for it and it seemed fun. Once I started watching, I never saw an ad again, or so it seemed. It premiered at one time, then moved to another, possibly even a different day. I think season two was a new slot as well. Seemed like something the network had little to nothing invested in or confidence in and just let die.

I don't know who makes the office or 30 rock, but if it's a network owned company, they have much more reason to try and get a show to year 3 or 5 - sydnication. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like non-network owned shows have a harder time making it that far on the major networks. It's not that it hurts them if a show they don't make gets to synication, it's just that they get nothing out of it. If they've got two shows they view evenly an one is theirs and the other is 3rd party, well, you know which one they'll keep on the air.
Just watched a couple of episodes thanks to Netflix streaming. Not too bad, thanks for the recommendation.

Not sure it's as good as The Office, which - when it's good - it's usually really good.
Wow, I'm late to this party. I hadn't heard of it before and I just finished a pretty awesome marathon of it on Netflix. Glad I hadn't been following it for two years first, it's cancellation would have been too painful.