Best stores for supplies in England.


New Member
Good evening/day good people. If i'm horribly out of line for creating this post I'm sorry but I figured it's not gonna do to much harm. We'll see if you chop me down or not :)

Anyway. I've been looking into getting started with props (just small ones for now) but I've "recently" moved to England so I have no clue what stores they have here or even what they sell so some assistance from some knowledgable rpf'ers from the UK would be greatly appreciated. Internet orders preffered but since I live in London I assume there has to be quite a few stores around aswell.

Can you find the supplies in an art store? (Silicone of various kinds for casting molds, etc) or is it home improvement stores I should chase down? I know it sounds awfully nooby but I'm researching as we speak. Won't run out an buy stuff on random.

Either way, i'd be greatful for any advice. Thank you.

EDIT: I have searched but the results aren't that great so far. I'll keep trying.
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Search for Alec Tiranti. Great online store, and used to have a nice little shop in London, I havent been there for a while though. Everything for sculpting, casting, moulding, carving, a great place. The prices are fairly competative if you don't have to pay for postage!
For silicons, various urethanes and general moulding supplies try W.P. Notcutt or Bentleys Chemicals.

The Fibreglass Shop in Brentford also has a comprehensive range of all moulding supplies and sells in small quantities.

For modelling supplies, I'd suggest E.M.A. Model Supplies.