Best resource for comparisons btwn film lightsabers?


Master Member
I would love a great site light that shows nice photos of each lightsaber with a description of how they differ from each film.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? A google search did not help and I couldn't find one thread that contained all that info.
Hello Joe,

The Parts of Star Wars is still a good source to start looking even though it could do with an update with all the discoveries of the origins of certain parts over the most recent years.

------- The Parts of Star Wars --------

You'll find the OT lightsaber section under CLASSIC and ITEM (in purple) under PREQUEL and ITEM you'll find the lightsabers of Episode I,II and III

We keep meaning to. ;)
We've got a ton of new info to add (still researching quite a bit). It's just hard to find time to work on the site when we're working on official Star Wars projects so much.

I'm sure there are dozens of people here who'd love to help out. You have only to ask. :lol