Best and Worst Comic Book Movie/ tv show Costumes


Master Member
with the recent discussion of the new spiderman reboot costume...i decided it would be interesting to find out what fellow members considered to be the best and worst comic book movie costumes

I'm bias, but the rocketeer is by far one of the best comic book movie costumes around....i absolutely love the design

Another great costume is the tobey mcguire spiderman costume:

one of the worst costumes:
Of course, I'm biased toward the Rocketeer too. Aside from that though, since we're talking about my favorite genre (subgenre?) of movies - superhero films and comic book movies - it's tough to pic just one (forgetting my Rocketeer obsession for a minute). There have been a lot of good ones. Despite the bat-nipples, the Batman Forever panther suit is one of my favorites. It's more refined and sleeker than the first Keaton suit but it still has that organic trait that is really cool. Granted, it's not as realistic or practical as the Dark Knight style but I still love it.


I also loved the costume for Daredevil, Nightowl, Rorshach and Silk Spectre in Watchmen, the first classic Christopher Reeve Superman of course, the Dark Knight style Batman... for me, I love so many that the list just goes on and on.

As for worst... lemme see if I can dig up a picture and I'll post it :p

Edit: here we go... this is an unreleased pilot for the Justice League but it still counts in my opinion. All of the costumes were horrible but David Ogden Stiers as a portly Martian Manhunter takes the cake. Also ya just gotta love Atom's football shoulder pads.

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Blech. The JLA stuff is AWFUL. Classic early-to-mid 90s syndicated TV show garbage.

I'd say Iron Man is up there.


It may be cliche and overdone now, but it's still a badass costume.
How about Rex Smith as Daredevil in "The Trial of the Incredible Hulk".

What was that Sean Connery movie? Zardoz or something like that? The one where he's wearing the red Borat get-up?
I loved the Rocketeer and Iron Man, they were faithful to the comic but altered for realism.

As for worst, Bullseye from the Daredevil movie (Farrell was fine, the scar was not) comes to mine, the first Punisher, and, yeah, that old Cap.

Oh, and nipples - not cool
How about Rex Smith as Daredevil in "The Trial of the Incredible Hulk".


Good one! :lol Thor in the Trial of the Incredible Hulk was nearly as bad I think... hard to tell which one was worse but that DD truly was horrible... I think that was the Death of the Incredible Hulk, right?... played by the same dude that starred in StreetHawk no less.


And how could I forget to list Iron Man... I'm ashamed of myself. Iron Man is easily at the top of my list (alongside the Rocketeer of course.)
Best or worst based on what criteria?

Faithfulness to the original comic book costume? Overall just great look?

I've always thought The Crow was the best comic based movie I've seen, that said the costume Brandon Lee wore was pretty faithful to the original series AND very plausible - if not plain.

Iron Man and the Maguire Spider-Man did what they did very well.. IM espcially well considering what could have been very, very terrible. I'll add Kick-Ass to that, as it adapts itself pretty well from page to screen - even if it's not a show stopper-wow-look-at-me costume. I'll add Rorschach and the Comedian from Watchmen as comic book costumes that might be understated but carried out well onscreen.

Thankfully, super-hero costumes seem to be much easier to produce in comic fashion now a days and there are a plethora of good looking costumes.

The Singer Superman costume is just plain bad and misses the mark on an iconic costume. But then again, the whole Singer Superman just missed the mark.

The X-Men costumes - also from the Singer films. They barely qualify as costumes, do they? When they don the black pleather things, I'd just as well see them in street clothes.

Doctor Doom in the FF movie. I didn't like the movie, his costume was just as bad.

Spider-man's Venom/black costume. Just a poor idea turning the existing costume black - just lazy.

The new Spider-Man and Green Lantern costumes are causing me great concern. I am hoping for the best, but early looks have me worried.

I'll add Captain America to that last, although I am still optimisic. Some of the images looks a bit too baggy and more than a little busy... and some of them look very nice.
As mentioned earlier... this is a pretty awesome interpretation IMHO and because there aren't enough superheroines represented in pics yet :love

Here are my favorite pics of costumes. I just love these costumes so much it's not even funny lol.


so much detailing on the costume i love it.


the costumes worked for very well on many levels. they came off funny and absurd and i like that.


by far my favorite costumes ever created of all time. im a die hard turtle fan and I loved every aspect of their design and creation. just the sheer fact they could do the stunts with them amazes me to do this day.
Despite the bat-nipples, the Batman Forever panther suit and B&R Clooney suit are my favorites, as well as the Batman Forever sonar suit. My least favorite batsuits are the Begins and TDK, the latter (motorcross) suit is overall far worse than a pair of nipples can ever do to a suit.
Despite the bat-nipples, the Batman Forever panther suit and B&R Clooney suit are my favorites, as well as the Batman Forever sonar suit. My least favorite batsuits are the Begins and TDK, the latter (motorcross) suit is overall far worse than a pair of nipples can ever do to a suit.

I didn't think the Nolan Batsuits were necessarily bad, just overwhelmingly bland and boring.
I didn't think the Nolan Batsuits were necessarily bad, just overwhelmingly bland and boring.

batman can finally turn his head and make it more believable that he could actually kick some-ones butt without a stiff neck....