BEER Props/labels


New Member
I'M Merging Hobbies.

After persuing Home Brewing and making my own labels for my own brews im wondering if anyone has made any of there own beer labels from there favorite movies

the only ones that come to mind this morning are

Strange Brew's Elsinore beer



i saw some one did make the label from family guy that was cool
(im just not into family guy) i saved it im gonna use it for some friends of mine

Does anyone have any other ideas im obviously drwaing a blank

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I'm pretty sure there's a Duff label floating around here somewhere, and someone posted a label a few weeks ago for the Weylan/Yutani-Aspen beer from Alien.
I've got;
Blue Sun beer from Firefly
Duff beer from The Simpsons
Pawtucket Patriot from Family Guy and
Old Fortran from Futurama

Thing is, I'm pretty sure I got ALL of them from here somewhere.
Try scanning the 62 page paper prop thread.
And if you're into really obscure Simpson's beer, there's 'Red Tick'

"Hmmm...needs more dog".

I designed the Pawtucket Patriot labels (12oz. can, 20oz. bottle and 40oz. bottle) and I think kimn'chris did the Old Fortran. Not sure who did the Duff.

Not 100% correct but close.


WoW fast replies on this thread!

thanks for all the info Guys. I finally found the DUFF label.

piss warm Chango would be awesome to make :lol "thats my brand" - buscemi
im gonna get some some screen grabs and take a whack at it .

i made a few bottles of pawtucket ale and some friends who are fans of the show thought it was great.

Division 6 thats a Great label/reference.

this a great collection already.
What's a decent, cost-effect waterproof labelmaking process? I have a friend who homebrews, and he just asked me.

What's a decent, cost-effect waterproof labelmaking process? I have a friend who homebrews, and he just asked me.

awesome to hear about fellow homebrewers . I frequent this forum for all my homebrewing needs

below is a link to how others water proof there bottles. hope that helps

theres so many ways people tackle it.

My homebrew supply shop sells blank labels and a bunch of bottiling extras to personalize your beer. It's such a rewarding hobby.:cheers
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ROFL! :lol:lol That would be Awesome! I dont have chappelle show on dvd . I'd love to try that . LOL

Kdawg1 - Buzz beer would be great to See too. I've got a recipe for a coffee flavored stout i'd like to try in the winter so that label would be great.

these are great ideas
Can anyone Tackle These

Heres Some Screen Grabs of CHANGO from Desperado.


I've made many batches of Strange Brew's Elsinore beer bottles!
Stubbies with a gold cap just like in the movie.
Not sure if I have a pic of one handy...