Printable Blade Runner Johnnie Walker Labels 1982 (2019)


Active Member
I’ve been on the hunt for the set of labels (main label, 12 year aged sticker, back sticker, and bottle seal) for the Johnnie Walker bottle from the original film, ideally a file suitable for printing at home but I havent been able to find anything at all, so if anyone has a direction to point me in I would really appreciate it! The goal is to 3d print a wax stamp with the Johnnie Walker logo so I just need the actual labels.
Labels for the original 2008 “oncebitten” run of replica bottles, upon which the later 2014-15 Italian run labels were also based, were created by graphic designer Karl Tate (our very own phase pistol).
Perhaps before getting second-hand copies of his original work you could dm him on here to ask if he has anything he would be prepared to share of those designs.