Battle Damage/Scarred and Weathered TASM (WIP) WonderCon pictures added 4/1/13

Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

Best thing I could do was open the blu-ray, take a picture of it with my phone and upload it to photobucket lol, hope this helps in some way:

Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

That face shell looks great! As does the mask mask! I really can't wait until you airbrush it. That will definitely complete the look!

And are those the sunglass lenses he used?
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

I just got an exciting update from MCL34N. He sent me an image of my sewn Sonjou mask on his recently completed V2 shell with V2 magnetic frames.


I can't wait til the whole thing is sewn and I can start airbrushing. Very excited to see how this battle damage version comes out. I'm also searching around for materials to re-create the webbing effect from when he pours web on his right leg after its been shot. Does anyone have a nice screen grab of that?

That face shell and lense combo is looking amazing! I cannot wait until he offers that up. Definitely gonna be on the list.
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

I just got an exciting update from MCL34N. He sent me an image of my sewn Sonjou mask on his recently completed V2 shell with V2 magnetic frames.


I can't wait til the whole thing is sewn and I can start airbrushing. Very excited to see how this battle damage version comes out. I'm also searching around for materials to re-create the webbing effect from when he pours web on his right leg after its been shot. Does anyone have a nice screen grab of that?

Awesome updates, and I'm happy to see new things from McL34n as well. I'm trying to save up for when he puts these on sale (I think he mentioned something about it on his third thread run for the future).
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

I took a screenshot of the webbing bandage he used for you,

Thank you for that Web_Slinger! I did a small test last night with some fish-wire, silicone sealant and hot glue.


The webbing is not attached to the suit, this is just a test. The web cluster was done on a plastic surface until it cool down and hardened, then I scraped it and placed on top of an arm sleeve to see how it looks.

Definitely bulkier than what I'm trying to go for so I'm scratching the hot glue from the mix and buying another tube of silicone sealant cause I ran out (I only had a little bit left). I think with that and the fishing wire I can get a similar effect to the screen cap you took. I'll keep you guys posted.
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

have you tried using a compressor and hot glue to make the webbing ?

i've seen a video on youtube where a guy used a compressor and a hot glue gun and just blasted the compressed air as the glue came out onto chicken wire, it looks realistic.

Cheap web shooter - YouTube
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

have you tried using a compressor and hot glue to make the webbing ?

i've seen a video on youtube where a guy used a compressor and a hot glue gun and just blasted the compressed air as the glue came out onto chicken wire, it looks realistic.

Cheap web shooter - YouTube

Wow I will definitely be trying that. I have a compressor on the way as we speak. Seems way more simple than what I had in mind. I'll do a couple tests on fabric first, but if anything, this seems like a great way to get that base going. Thanks for posting that! Very helpful!
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

Id try it with a chicken wire dome tbh that way you can peel it off and then work it into the shape and density you want it at, im trying to convince my girlfriend into letting me buy a compressor lol
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

Id try it with a chicken wire dome tbh that way you can peel it off and then work it into the shape and density you want it at, im trying to convince my girlfriend into letting me buy a compressor lol

Yeah, they're definitely pricey. The one I will be using is borrowed. But I was thinking, if push comes to shove, one could probably go out to a gas station and pop some coins into the tire thing and just do the project there real quick! LOL.
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

Haha i dunno if you'g be able to heat the glue up without getting some really weird looks from people.
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

I'll probably try a battle damage version with one of those $60 zentai suits
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

Got a little update for your guys:

Got my suit back from MCL34N yesterday. He did a great job sewing it together for me but now I can see why the print was described as "ill-sized". It's very very small.


The mask especially is SUPER tight. so I'm glad I had MCL34N add a back zipper. And speaking about zippers...what you know bout all these extra zippers!?

Boom! zippers in the back of the mask.


Boom! boot zippers


Boom! wrist zippers


The good news is it fits, snug, but it fits. I'm going to have to lose like 10 pounds to wear this comfortably. But anywho, excellent base for my battle damage project.



Thanks for looking.
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

nice outfit @El Fett, but why the faceshell ?? in my opinion, it sounds not practical & and weird, but dont get me wrong its just my personal view about the whole faceshell thingy. Anyway, is that possible to see a pic of you wearing the mask without the faceshell ?? just to see how it looks like. I ask you that, 'cause i plan to make this fall a TASM suit.
Thanks for listening.
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

Looks great man! The puffpaint looks fantastic! My next suit I'm gonna have some zippers on the wrists as well. Also I'm gonna experiment with the boots and try something a bit out of the ordinary with them, just for fun though. If it doesn't work out I have a back up.

And I really can't wait for MCLE4N's faceshell to be available. That thing looks nice!
Re: Battle damage/heavy weathered tasm (wip)

Wow that is really tight fitting. Looks like you have the physique to pull it off though.
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