Battle Damage/Scarred and Weathered TASM (WIP) WonderCon pictures added 4/1/13

So the box I was waiting for finally cleared customs, now that wondercon is over of course. I quickly worked on the bag. this is the result.




Now I'm not into the whole dressing up as Peter Parker thing cause I look nothing like the kid in the movie. This is more to complete my battle damage look as see on that promo shot where he's carrying his bag as he walks down that alley all beat up. That and to have somewhere to put stuff in of course. Anyways, just wanted to share my bag :)

Oh and the cool Markpoon shooters of course!


Also, just wanted to take a moment to thank Mr. Graham Thompson again for making me have to spend all this extra time watermarking all my images. GT: If you're lurking, why don't you try tweeting my pic again to Mark Webb buddy? I could use the publicity :p a-hole.
ah nice thanks =)

Thanks! I'm building it for a member here. Should be done soon.

The shell really helps with that. Also, the lenses are magnetic so I can remove easily if they would ever fog but they never do ;) I hear baby shampoo or spit really helps with fogging too.
Also, just wanted to take a moment to thank Mr. Graham Thompson again for making me have to spend all this extra time watermarking all my images. GT: If you're lurking, why don't you try tweeting my pic again to Mark Webb buddy? I could use the publicity :p a-hole.

I don't think i've laughed this hard in ages :lol
Also, just wanted to take a moment to thank Mr. Graham Thompson again for making me have to spend all this extra time watermarking all my images. GT: If you're lurking, why don't you try tweeting my pic again to Mark Webb buddy? I could use the publicity :p a-hole.

Nice! The backpack AND the shout out to GT.
Also, just wanted to take a moment to thank Mr. Graham Thompson again for making me have to spend all this extra time watermarking all my images. GT: If you're lurking, why don't you try tweeting my pic again to Mark Webb buddy? I could use the publicity :p a-hole.

Nice! The backpack AND the shout out to GT.

I know right? I just hate being all excited to share my pics with everyone and then be reminded I need to take an extra 3 more steps before sharing it...I didn't watermark my con pics but I guess that's a free for all on google anyways...if you're that lame to find a pic of someone at a con and say that's you then you're just beyond help at that point. total loser.
great job buddy.. i could have seen you and your suit in action in wondercon but i was busy that day.. still working on my suit, should be done with the puffy in about another 3 years or so.. also trying to get my hands on mcleans new faceshield but i guess i'm a little too late to get on the wait list..
Re: Battle Damage/Scarred and Weathered TASM (WIP) Updates with pics on 3rd page 3/3/

Look @ post 54

Ik this might b a stupid question. But in the first picture AG is somewhat folding his mask like he has a flexible facemask. Is tht possible to make? I apologize if this is a stupid question.
Not sure but I don't think there's a shell in that mask. I'm sure that's just one of many production masks. Every time Peter would take off and/or put on the mask, they probably used one like the one in that picture.
Hey el fett I was wonderingly there a better option other than puff paint I thought about what would happen if you mixed liquid latex for the durability and euthrane? Does anyone have any ideas. This is for the tasm 2 suit sorry if this question is off topic.

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